Photo of Nikki Haley

Haley Campaign Press Release - Nikki Haley on Fox News: "Heads Need To Roll"

May 16, 2023

CHARLESTON, S.C. – This morning, presidential candidate Nikki Haley sat down with Bill Hemmer and Dana Perino on America's Newsroom to discuss the Durham report. She was unequivocal: "Heads need to roll." Watch below.

On the Durham report...

"They spied on Americans. They spied on Americans and had no reason to do it. Biden needs to answer for this, Democrat leadership needs to answer for this, Republicans and Democrats need to come together to make sure this doesn't happen again. Heads need to roll for this."

On the media...

"I think the media needs to be held accountable for not asking more questions and not getting down to what needed to happen."

On Congress doing their job...

"Congress has a job to do: that is to make sure people are fired and every senior manager over those people gets fired. If not, what makes us any different from South Sudan or the Democratic Republic of Congo? This kind of corruption happens in those third world countries, it should never happen in America."

Nikki Haley, Haley Campaign Press Release - Nikki Haley on Fox News: "Heads Need To Roll" Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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