Photo of Nikki Haley

Haley Campaign Press Release - VIDEO: The Beast of the Southeast

February 06, 2024

CHARLESTON, S.C. – The Nikki Haley for President campaign released a new video as part of its "It's a Great Day in South Carolina!" campaign, highlighting Haley's economic record in South Carolina.

When Haley was elected governor, the state faced 11 percent unemployment and was still reeling from the demise of the textile industry. Under her aggressive efforts to bring industry and jobs to the state, South Carolina boomed. Nicknamed, "the Beast of the Southeast," the state became a manufacturing powerhouse. The unemployment rate dropped to 4 percent by the time Haley left office with 86,000 new jobs created in every county in the state.

For more on her record, watch the video here or below:

"Governor Nikki Haley was South Carolina's biggest advocate, recruiting businesses with well-paying jobs all across the state. She also cut taxes, cut regulations, and cut wasteful spending, making South Carolina a place businesses and families wanted to settle in," said Haley spokesperson Brittany Yanick.

Haley's Economic Record

  • During Governor Haley's tenure 86,00 jobs were created in all 46 counties, 672 projects were announced, and $21.5 billion in capital investments were made.
  • When Governor Haley left office, there were more than 256,000 additional South Carolinians working than when she came into office.
  • At the end of Governor Haley's tenure more South Carolinians were working than at any other time in history, and South Carolina was outperforming the national average.
  • Governor Haley cut the unemployment rate more than in half, from 10.8 percent to 4.4 percent.
  • Haley's policies moved 35,000 people from welfare to work through new training and work initiatives.
  • In June 2012, Governor Haley signed small business tax relief into law, reducing the small business tax rate from 5 to 3 percent.
  • Haley fought job-killing regulations that hurt small businesses, like burdensome training requirements for shampooers at hair salons; and she signed the South Carolina Brewery Bill, which allowed breweries to serve both food and alcohol.
  • Governor Haley prioritized "holding the line on debt" and South Carolina was appropriating twice as much in annual debt payments when Governor Haley came into office than when she left office.
  • In total, Governor Haley vetoed $459 million in spending from the state budget.
  • By the end of her tenure, South Carolina was the number two state in the country that people were moving to.

Nikki Haley, Haley Campaign Press Release - VIDEO: The Beast of the Southeast Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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