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Harris Campaign Press Release - Bakari Sellers Endorses Kamala Harris

April 15, 2019

Sellers Will Announce Endorsement Alongside Harris At SC State

Today, former South Carolina representative Bakari Sellers endorses Kamala Harris for President. Sellers will campaign with Harris at South Carolina State University on Saturday, April 20, where he will formally announce his endorsement.

"South Carolina deserves a leader that is attuned to the needs of all communities, particularly rural communities like my hometown of Denmark," Sellers said. "From the moment she declared her candidacy for president, Kamala Harris revealed a platform that pays teachers what they deserve, addresses our maternity mortality crisis, fights for clean water, and supports storied institutions like South Carolina State University and other Historically Black Colleges and Universities across the state. These issues hit home for me, and Kamala has repeatedly offered clear solutions for each one, proving there is no problem or person too small to be heard. Kamala has dedicated her life to fighting for everyday Americans, and I believe she will do the same for working class families in South Carolina. I proudly endorse Kamala for president and look forward to voters across South Carolina getting to know the courage and determination that embodies this extraordinary leader."

Sellers was the Democratic nominee for Lieutenant Governor in 2014 and previously represented District 90 in the South Carolina State House where he was the youngest African-American elected official in the country. Sellers has also served as the first Vice Chairman of the South Carolina Democratic Party.

"I am extremely proud to have Bakari's endorsement in this race," Harris said. "As a leader, activist, and elected official in South Carolina, he has fought for years to make progress from the grassroots to the state house. As I campaign in every corner of this state, I will continue to speak to the concerns of students, teachers, seniors and working families. Together, we will fight for an America where our teachers are paid their value, health care is a right and for an economy that works for working people. "

Sellers joins Representative Pat Henegan, Senator Darrell Jackson, Representative JA Moore, Berkeley County Democratic Party Chair Melissa Watson, and former candidate for Governor and Florence attorney Marguerite Willis as a co-chair for Harris' South Carolina campaign.

Kamala Harris, Harris Campaign Press Release - Bakari Sellers Endorses Kamala Harris Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/365349

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