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Harris Campaign Press Release - New Hampshire Leaders Endorse Kamala Harris As She Unveils "People Over Profit" Pharmaceutical Plan

July 16, 2019

Co-Chair of New Hampshire Democratic Party Senior Caucus Pam Jorgensen and Former State Rep. Lisa DiMartino Throw Support Behind Harris

Endorsements Follow New Granite State Poll That Finds Harris Surging

Today, Kamala Harris received the endorsement of two key New Hampshire leaders as she unveils her new "People Over Profit" pharmaceutical plan. In their endorsements, Co-Chair of the New Hampshire Democratic Party Senior Caucus Pam Jorgensen and former State Representative and disability rights advocate Lisa DiMartino both cited Harris's 3AM agenda that will have a direct and immediate effect on people's lives, paychecks, and health care.

"Kamala Harris is exactly the leader we need at this moment. Not only is she well prepared to take on Trump in the general election, she is firmly committed to finding solutions for the issues keeping Granite Staters up at night," said Lisa DiMartino, disability rights advocate & former New Hampshire State Representative. "One of those issues is prescription drug pricing, and I am so pleased that Kamala has presented such a bold plan to reduce out-of-pocket prescription drug costs. This issue is personal to me: my son has multiple chronic conditions that require prescription medication. I know first hand how expensive drugs like insulin are, and Kamala's plan is a huge step in the right direction in helping families afford the prescription drugs their loved ones need to survive. I am proud to endorse Kamala Harris for President."

"I am impressed with the determination and clarity of this initiative to bring control to the big pharmaceutical problem in this country. Senator Harris understands the need to focus on people over excessive profit," said Pam Jorgensen, Co-Chair of the New Hampshire Democratic Party Senior Caucus. "It is for those reasons I am endorsing Senator Kamala Harris for President."

Continuing her career-long focus on holding companies who prey on seniors and consumers accountable, Harris' plan will crack down on big pharmaceutical companies that are ripping off Americans. Her "People Over Profit" plan aims to dramatically reduce out-of-pocket prescription drug costs, which right now average $1,200 annually for every American, by allowing the federal government to establish fair prices for what companies can charge for drugs and forcing rebates to consumers for any profits earned from selling drugs above the fair price.

Fighting to protect seniors and consumers from predatory or illegal pharmaceutical company practices has been a hallmark of Harris' career. As California Attorney General, she secured more than $230 million for Californians through settlements with pharmaceutical companies over their deceptive and dangerous practices -- including $46 million from GlaxoSmithKline for illegal marketing and drug pricing, $52 million from Abbott Laboratories and $89 million from Johnson & Johnson for unlawful marketing practices, and $23 million from McKesson for inflating drug prices, among others. She took on companies for illegally marketing to dementia patients and substandard manufacturing on a drug for cancer patients, and she sponsored legislation to boost California's prescription drug monitoring program. As a Senator, she has taken on drugmakers for marketing practices for drugs used to treat opioid addiction and sponsored legislation to prevent drug price increases.

Read Harris' full "People Over Profit" plan at kamalaharris.org/drug-costs.

Kamala Harris, Harris Campaign Press Release - New Hampshire Leaders Endorse Kamala Harris As She Unveils "People Over Profit" Pharmaceutical Plan Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/365344

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