Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - 2 Granite State Papers Just Endorsed Hillary Clinton For President. Here's Why
"In a dogfight, I'd want Hillary Clinton on my side."
The?Portsmouth Herald and Foster's Daily Democrat, two of New Hampshire's daily newspapers, just published a glowing joint endorsement of Hillary Clinton's candidacy for president, calling her "by far the most qualified candidate seeking the Democratic nomination."
Here are six of the reasons Hillary is their presidential pick.
1. She has the experience and leadership skills to be president.
"As president there would be no learning curve. She would be in full command of the geopolitical challenges facing our nation from day one. And given the concerns about global instability and terrorism we place a high value on this competence."
2. She has the respect and admiration of Granite Staters.
"Granite State Democrats and independent voters, having seen and heard Clinton with their own eyes and ears, have rejected the decades of distortions peddled by her political opponents. We know the real Hillary Clinton, and we admire and respect her."
3. She was a remarkable secretary of state.
"She is credited as the architect of the crippling sanctions against Iran that led to the recent nuclear deal. She brokered a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. She was on the front lines of the tragedies and triumphs of the Arab Spring, learning hard and valuable lessons. Henry Kissinger, President Richard Nixon's secretary of state, said she ?ran the State Department in the most effective way that I've ever seen.'"
4. She knows how to find common ground to get things done.
"When Clinton saw a chance to improve relations with Burma, she approached then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell because she knew of his admiration for Aung San Suu Kyi, the nation's embattled human rights leader. Together, Clinton and McConnell made progress opening up this country that had been closed to the United States for decades."
5. When she gets knocked down, she gets right back up.
"As first lady she led the White House's effort to implement health care reform, and she took a beating as vested interests pushed back against ?Hillarycare.' But Clinton proved resilient. The defeat taught her valuable lessons and she put that knowledge to work in her husband's second term, working with Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Ted Kennedy and Utah Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch to pass the Children's Health Insurance Program, which insured millions of previously uninsured children."
6. She has a bold and detailed vision for the future of our country.
"But unlike her opponent, Clinton's plans are not all centrally planned and run by the government. They are collaborations: college students work to help pay for their education; energy companies have incentives to change for the good while a safety net is built for displaced coal-state workers. In the spirit of John F. Kennedy, government leads the nation toward big goals and taps the aspiration and ingenuity of individuals and the private sector. This is how America makes its greatest progress."
Read the full endorsement here.?
Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - 2 Granite State Papers Just Endorsed Hillary Clinton For President. Here's Why Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/316996