Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Hillary Outlines Ambitious 'Blueprint for Indiana's Economic Future'
Plan lays out bold agenda for putting American dream within reach of middle class Hoosiers
INDIANAPOLIS, IN -- Promising to work hard every day to deliver solutions for working Hoosiers, Hillary Clinton today released her "Blueprint for Indiana's Economic Future," an ambitious plan to put the American dream back within reach of the middle class.
"No measure of our economy is more significant than whether our middle class is expanding and getting ahead. This Administration has failed that test. Mine will not," Hillary said.
With families across Indiana facing declining income levels, skyrocketing gas prices, high health care premiums and rising college tuition, Hillary laid out a comprehensive plan aimed at restoring prosperity for middle class Hoosiers. Additionally, Hillary outlined steps to get tough on China, make sure America's trade policies are pro-Hoosier worker and create high-wage, 21st Century jobs.
Pointing out that the nation's economic problems cannot be addressed without a plan to tackle the home foreclosure crisis, Hillary offered bold measures to protect the dream of homeownership for Hoosiers as a cornerstone of her blueprint for Indiana's economy.
"Over the course of this campaign, I have laid out a comprehensive plan to tackle the economic challenges middle class families are facing; to create the new, high-wage jobs that will provide new opportunities Americans; to restore fairness to our economy; and to renew the basic bargain that if you work hard, you can get ahead. That's my top priority," Hillary said.
"Hoosier families need a President who is going to get up every day and work for them; a President who is committed to delivering real solutions to the tough economic challenges they face; a President who will change the economic course our nation is on and put the American dream within their reach. I will be that President."
Hillary's "Blueprint for Indiana's Economic Future" includes:
Restoring fairness to trade by fixing NAFTA, reviewing trade agreements and demanding that they are pro-American and pro-Hoosier worker; getting tough on China; strengthening enforcement to ensure that no Hoosier worker is undercut by unfair or illegal trade practices; and ending tax incentives for companies that shop jobs overseas.
Laying the foundation for high-wage job growth through an "Insourcing Agenda" that will provide incentives for firms that create jobs in America; investing in infrastructure to ensure safety, enhance economic competitiveness and create good-paying jobs; creating at least 5 million new green collar jobs; and ensuring Hoosier workers stay competitive through a new Worker Training Program.
Restoring a strong, vibrant manufacturing sector in America and Indiana by implementing a 21st Century manufacturing strategy that includes investing in innovation and efficiency; protecting defense-related manufacturing jobs to help ensure America's national security; expanding the Manufacturing Extension Partnership, which already assists more than 300 small and mid-sized Hoosier companies; and standing up for unions by working to pass the Employee Free Choice Act.
Implementing a bold housing stimulus plan and working aggressively to end the foreclosure crisis by helping at-risk homeowners restructure their mortgages and stay in their homes; instituting a moratorium of at least 90 days on subprime, owner-occupied homes; freezing rates on subprime adjustable rate mortgages; and providing states and local communities in Indiana with $540 million to help families stay in their homes and communities combat the negative impact of mass home foreclosures.
Providing real economic security for middle class Hoosiers by providing quality, affordable health care to every single American; making a college degree affordable and within reach of every Hoosier; ensuring the economic security through retirement savings incentives and tax breaks for working and middle class families; and helping Hoosiers balance work and family by making family leave programs a priority.
To read Hillary's "Blueprint for Indiana's Economic Future," visit: http://www.hillaryclinton.com/indianablueprint.
Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Hillary Outlines Ambitious 'Blueprint for Indiana's Economic Future' Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/315795