Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Hillary's Reviews Are In: 'The Winner,' 'Strong Presence,' 'In Her Element'
Hillary dominates Philadelphia focus group. "NYDIA HAN: The real take away is this. We now know who won the debate according to our focus group. Take a look. Senator Clinton is the debate winner, at least according to our focus group. 23% believe Senator Obama won while 50% believed Senator Clinton won." [WPVI Post-Debate Analysis, 4/16/08]
ABC News' Rick Klein – 'Clinton is back to the strong presence we saw early in the cycle.' [ABC News Political Radar, 4/16/08]
NBC News' Chuck Todd – Obama ‘did not have a good night.' [MSNBC Post-Debate Analysis, 4/16/08]
NBC News' Chuck Todd—Obama's answer on Ayers and the flag ‘were simply weak.' "His answer on Ayers and the flag question were simply weak; He seemed unprepared for them; Kinda surprising because he normally has a decent rant against "old politics" and yet "old politics" questions seemed to stump him." [NBC First Read, 4/16/08]
The Atlantic's Marc Ambinder – [T]here's no way Obama could fared worse. [The Atlantic's Marc Ambinder, 4/16/08]
Washington Post' Chris Cillizza— Obama ‘struggled quite a bit' when asked about Rev. Wright. "...He struggled quite a bit more when asked to answer for Wright, his former pastor." [Washington Post, The Fix, 4/16/08]
New York Times' Katharine Seeyle: Hillary's ‘in her element as she goes into details.' "She's becoming expansive, seemingly in her element as she goes into details; Mr. Obama does not look as thrilled to be still standing there." [New York Times, The Caucus, 4/16/08]
Talking Points Memo's Josh Marshall – Hillary ‘certainly seems more self-assured.' "She certainly seems more self-assured on the Iran question than Obama did. The question of extending an American security umbrella to Israel is very dicey. And he could clearly see he was on delicate territory." [Talking Points Memo, 4/16/08]
Philadelphia Inquirer blog – ‘Obama is again less certain, and rambles a bit.' "Obama is again less certain, and rambles a bit when asked about the Washington D.C. gun ban. Gibson asks him to deny that he has ever advocated a complete ban on hand guns in 1996. Obama says no. But whatever the truth, no other answer is possible." [Philadelphia Inquirer Blog, 4/16/08]
NBC News' Matthew Berger – Obama ‘tried to have it both ways' with Israel. "Obama's answer on an Iranian attack on Israel tried to seem to have it both ways: highlight his support for Israel but not lock him into treating an attack on Israel like an attack on the U.S. But it may have looked more like a no because it wasn't a firm yes. Clinton's answer seemed more direct." [NBC First Read, 4/16/08]
Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Hillary's Reviews Are In: 'The Winner,' 'Strong Presence,' 'In Her Element' Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/315836