Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - McClintock, Domenech Endorse Hillary Clinton
The Clinton Campaign today announced it has received the endorsements of Puerto Rico Senate President and Democratic National Committeeman Kenneth McClintock, and of Francisco J. Domenech, Director of the Office of Legislative Services of the Puerto Rico Legislative Assembly and the national Young Democrats Democratic National Committeeman. Senator McClintock will join as Co-Chair of Clinton's National Hispanic Leadership Council, while Mr. Domenech will be National Co-Chair of Hillblazers, a network of young professionals and students inspired by Hillary's historic candidacy for President.
"Hillary has been a great friend of Puerto Ricans. She supports enabling the people of Puerto Rico to determine the status of the Island. She has fought to give Puerto Rican children equal access to the Children's Health Insurance Program, and has proposed legislation to give Puerto Rican workers with children equal Social Security tax refunds," said Senator McClintock. "In the challenging times that we live, we need a President that is ready to lead from day one, and Hillary Clinton is ready to lead."
"In this historic election there is too much at stake for my generation," said Domenech. "Hillary Clinton is the only candidate that can put our country on the right track, and that's why I'm supporting her."
Throughout his legislative career, State Senator McClintock has been a champion of providing school-level physical and health education for children. Since January 10, 2005, Senator McClintock has presided over the Senate of Puerto Rico. Prior to his election as Senate President, he served as Senate Minority Leader from 2001 to 2004 and he chaired the most important committee of the Senate of Puerto Rico: the Committee on Government and Federal Affairs, as well as the Joint Committee for the Córdova-Fernós Congressional Internships Program from 1993 to 2000. The Senate Committees he has chaired have filed reports that have served as the ground to make radical changes in public policy, including tax legislation and proposals to help promote economic equality for Puerto Ricans.
A prominent youth activist, Francisco Domenech is the founding President of the Puerto Rico Young Democrats. In 2005 he was elected Vice President for Development of Young Democrats of America, and on July 2007 he became a member of the Democratic National Committee.
"I am grateful to receive the support of Kenneth and Francisco," said Hillary Clinton. "I look forward to their working with the campaign to help bring about the change that America needs."
Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - McClintock, Domenech Endorse Hillary Clinton Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/293498