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Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Meet 7 Republican Candidates Who Are Totally Unprepared To Be Commander-in-chief

December 15, 2015

A party of candidates who aren't ready to lead.

Listen to the Republican presidential candidates talk about ISIS or how they'll deal with Vladimir Putin, and one thing becomes terrifyingly clear: None of these candidates are ready to be commander-in-chief. Need specifics? Here are eight.

Ted Cruz


Destroying the Islamic State and winning the broader fight against radical jihadism demands a comprehensive counterterrorism strategy. But when pressed for how he'd approach ISIS, Cruz's answer is short on details: "We win, and they lose."

Donald Trump


"We got the highest rating in a long time on ?60 Minutes,'" Trump said. "You saw that, right? He was my stablemate. I believe I'll get along with him. It was Trump and Putin, Putin and Trump."

Marco Rubio


When you're resorting to offensive analogies to explain your foreign policy positions, you might be in over your head. Avoiding the phrase radical Islam, Rubio said, "would be like saying we weren't at war with the Nazis, because we were afraid to offend some Germans who may have been members of the Nazi Party but weren't violent themselves."

Jeb Bush


Asked whether he thought the Iraq war was a mistake—given what we know now that Saddam Hussein did not possess weapons of mass destruction—Jeb Bush was unable to give a straight answer. He offered four different answers over the course of four days.

Chris Christie


Chris Christie is so against giving refugees a home in the United States, he says we shouldn't open our doors to five-year-old orphans fleeing civil war and the threat of ISIS in Syria.

Rand Paul


Rand Paul introduced a bill in the U.S. Senate to stop allowing refugees to enter from Syria and as many as 30 other countries.

Ben Carson


The claim that China is on the ground in Syria has been widely debunked—including by the White House and China. But Ben Carson, who appears to be getting his news about the Syrian Civil War from unconfirmed blog posts and a solitary news report by a Lebanese website, is saying it anyway.

And not a single one of these candidates would support legislation to prevent suspected terrorists from legally purchasing guns in the United States.

Senators Cruz, Rubio, and Paul actually cast votes against giving the attorney general the authority to prevent, on a case-by-case basis, suspected terrorists from purchasing guns when a bill was introduced in the U.S. Senate.

We need a commander-in-chief with the experience to keep America safe—but you won't find that candidate in the Republican field.

Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Meet 7 Republican Candidates Who Are Totally Unprepared To Be Commander-in-chief Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/317100

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