* If You Watch One Thing Today: Hillary appears on Meet The Press for the full hour this morning. Check your local listings.
* Outreach: Traveling across California and Nevada, Hillary has gone door-to-door and held smaller townhall discussions to hear directly from Hispanic voters about their concerns in this election. Yesterday, she was joined by leaders of her National Hispanic Leadership Council who fanned out across Nevada to share her 35-year record delivering change and expanding opportunity for all Americans. [Read More Here].
*House Party Hit: Hillary was a hit at a San Diego house party this weekend, energizing supporters who turned out with their cell phones to make calls and build support for her California campaign. Watch the video.
* New Jersey Edge: Hillary holds a commanding 25-point lead in New Jersey according to a new Bergen Record poll out today. See the results here.
* On The Trail: Newsweek finds a much more accessible Hillary on the campaign trail, saying she's engaging a lot more with voters in the wake of her comeback victory in New Hampshire. Watch the Video.
*Economic Focus: As the US faces an economic slowdown, Hillary's focus on rebuilding the middle class and addressing the housing crisis have resonated with voters who say she's the Democrat best prepared to handle the economy as president. [Read More Here].
Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Morning HUBdate: The Full Hour Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/294072