Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - New Ad: Hillary Will Fight To Protect American Defense
INDIANAPOLIS, IN- Hoosiers for Hillary today launched a new 30-second television ad highlighting Hillary's plans to protect American defense manufacturing jobs from being sent overseas. The ad features former employees of Magnaquench who lost their jobs along with more than 200 Hoosiers when the company closed its Indiana plant and shipped production of high-performance magnets used for the U.S. military's "smart bombs" to China.
As President, Hillary will fight to keep the nation's defense jobs here at home, because "American workers should build America's defense." The spot, titled "Closed," will air throughout Indiana.
To [Watch the ad], [Click here].
Following is a script for "Closed"
Hillary Clinton:
Right here over 200 Hoosiers built parts that guided our military's smart bombs to their targets.
They were good jobs, but now, they're gone to China.
And now America's defense relies on Chinese spare parts.
George Bush could have stopped it, but he didn't.
As your president, I will fight to keep good jobs here, and to turn this economy around.
I'm Hillary Clinton and I approve this message because American workers should build America's defense.
Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - New Ad: Hillary Will Fight To Protect American Defense Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/293143