Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - NH for Hillary Announces Over 500 Veterans and Military Retirees for Hillary
MANCHESTER, NH – Hillary continues to receive widespread and diverse support throughout the Granite State, and today the New Hampshire for Hillary campaign announced the names of 527 Veterans for Hillary.
"Hillary Clinton believes that once our soldiers have fulfilled their obligation to our country, our country must fulfill its obligation to them and to their families," said Bob Hannan, Air Force veteran and Co-Chair of Veterans for Hillary. "She has worked diligently to see that the brave men and women who serve are our nation receive the benefits they have been promised."
Hillary Clinton has a long history of fighting for our veterans. As President, she will enact a GI Bill of Rights for the 21st Century that will offer service members, veterans and their families with expanded education, housing and entrepreneurial benefits. In addition, as President, Hillary will ensure that all of the 1.8 million uninsured veterans in this country has access to quality, affordable health care and will establish a pilot program on homelessness prevention for veterans. The program will provide subsidies, eviction prevention, and one-time assistance for veterans who fall behind on their rent.
"Senator Clinton has been a champion for proper treatment of our troops – while they are serving and when they return," said State Representative and Air Force Veteran Eleanor Kjellman. "As a leader on the Senate Armed Services committee, she has successfully fought to ensure the troops receive proper training and necessary supplies, such as body armor. Hillary has also worked to make certain that our veterans receive quality medical care, and that they have access to educational and employment opportunities.
When Hillary Clinton is president, she will end the war in Iraq. Her three-step plan would bring our troops home, work to bring stability to the region, and replace military force with a new diplomatic initiative to engage countries around the world in securing Iraq's future. Hillary has also been fighting in the Senate to force the President to change course.
"I was registered as an independent for a long time and always explore every option before making a decision. After getting a chance to meet Hillary, my choice was clear," said John Cesana of Hudson, who served 27 years in the Army and the Army Reserve. "She will listen to you. She will talk to you. And she will answer you. I know that she will be a leader who stands up for our nation's troops."
The New Hampshire for Hillary campaign also released a new video featuring local Veterans for Hillary. The video can be viewed at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qW08j6_glkU.
"I am honored to have the support of these men and women from across the Granite State who have so honorably served on our country's behalf," said Senator Clinton. "Together we will work to finally bring an end to the war in Iraq, rebuild America's role in the world, and deliver on the promises made to the men and women who have served our country."
Following is a complete list of Granite State Veterans for Hillary.
North Country
Rene Bisson, Berlin; Army
Normand Bouchard, Berlin
Frank Chapell, Berlin; Army
Raymond Croteau, Berlin; Navy
Francis Delorge, Berlin; Army
Maurice Duchesne, Berlin; Army
Normand Duclos, Berlin; Air Force
Lucien Dupuis, Berlin; Navy
Nancy Ehrig, Lancaster; Army
Karen Fesler, Bath
Paul Godin, Berlin; Air Force
John Graham, Franconia; Navy
Norman Grondin, Berlin; Navy
Lloyd Honnon, Gorham
Joseph Ippolito, Colebrook; Navy
Ivan Kennedy, Gorham; Army
Antonio Laflamme, Littleton; Army
Henry Lanteigne, Berlin
Donald Lapointe, Berlin; Air Force
Linda Lauer, Bath; Navy
Harold Leath, Berlin; Army
Gerard Lepage, Berlin; Navy
Robert Litvin, Berlin; Army
Robert Mainguy, Berlin; Navy
Rep. Edgar Mears, Berlin; Navy
Frank Morin, Berlin; Navy
Raymond Paradis, Milan; Navy
Robert Pepin, Berlin; Marines
Norman Perkins, Gorham; Army
Jules Poulin, Berlin; Army
Donald Rich, Milan
Henry Riendeau, Berlin; Army
Roland Roberge, Berlin; Army
Roland Roberge, Groveton; Air Force
Denis Roy, Milan
Roland Roy, Berlin; Marines
Bradford Whipple, Sugar Hill
Paul Wilson, Groveton;
Stephen Woodcock, Conway
Robert Deline, Claremont;
Theobald Frechette, Claremont; Canadian Army
Carroll French, Langdon
Brian Johnson, Claremont; Navy
Norman Monroe, Claremont; Air Force
Eileen Skowronski, Claremont
Concord Area
Brian Bailey, Henniker
Kenneth Barrett, Concord
Roy Baum, Chichester
Joseph Belliveau, Contoocook; Navy
Norman Boudreau, Pembroke; Marines
William Brasley, Pembroke; Army, Tank Destroyers Battalion
William Campbell, New London; Navy
Norman Dennis, Henniker; Army
Roy Downes, Salisbury; National Guard
Arthur Ducharme, Greenfield; Air Force
Robert Dyment, Pembroke; Army
Stephen Enroth, North Sutton
Leonard Gilman, Pittsfield; Marines
Lane Gorton, Bennington; Army
Warren Greenough, Concord; Navy
Alan Hall, Contoocook; Navy
Dennis Hewitt, Allenstown; Coast Guard
Willis Hill, Concord; Navy
John Hoar, Concord
William Kelso, Canterbury; Air Force
Rep. Eleanor Kjellman, Henniker; Air Force
William Kuhlman, Concord; Navy, Air Force
Bruce Lebrun, Penacook; Marines
Thelma Lemire, Franklin; Marines
Murray Loss, Hillsborough
Ernest Mahar, Franklin; Navy
Richard Martell, Allenstown; Army
John Michaud, Concord; Navy
Robert Miner, Epsom; Army
Henry Mowatt, Concord; Army
Mary Mowatt, Concord; Navy Nurse
Tudor Richards, Contoocook
Paul Riel, Pittsfield; Air Force
Zach Roberts, Henniker; Marines
Terry Shumaker, Bow; JAG Corps
William Stiles, Pittsfield; Army
Frank Taylor, Hillsborough; Army
Charles Trowbridge, Bradford; Navy, Army
Walter Valley, Hillsborough; Air Force
Frederick Wolf, Concord; Army National Guard
Carl Wyss, Chichester
Arthur Zirngiebel, Chichester; Army
Dover Area
Robert Beaudoin, Somersworth; Marines
Roland Belhumeur, Dover
Raymond Bernard, Newmarket; Marine
Rep. Roger Berube, Somersworth; Navy
William Caldwell, Dover; Marines
Jay Dean, Dover; Air Force
Charles Dearborn, Newmarket; National Guard
Hector Desjardins, Dover; Navy
Dennis Flanagan, Somersworth; Army
Ronald Forbes, Dover; Navy
Armand Gagnon, Somersworth; Navy
Rep. Earle Goodwin, Dover
Ludwik Goscinski, Somersworth; Navy
Bob Hannan, Dover; Air Force
Rep. Roland Hofemann, Dover; Air Force
James Knowles, Dover
Rep. William Knowles, Dover; Air Force
Dorothy Lafont, Lee; Air Force
Edward Larrabee, Dover; Navy
Ken Latchaw, Dover; Navy
William Linchey, Dover; Navy
Robert McGloan, Dover
Albert Moreau, Dover; Army Air Corps
Philippe Morrissette, Dover; Navy
Raymond Morse, Dover; Army
Brian Murphy, Newmarket; Army
Frank Pasternak, Somersworth; Marines
Henry Pike, Dover; Army
John Rubino, Dover; Air Force
William Shaheen, Madbury
Eugene Tillock, Durham; Army
Maurice Ward, Somersworth; Army
Keene Area
Donald Anderson, Jaffrey; Army Medical Corps
Richard Beauregard, Jaffrey
David Belletete, Swanzey; Afghanistan Veteran
Paul Burnham, Jaffrey; Army
Michael Carbone, Keene
Raymond Constantine, Jaffrey
Philip Croteau, Keene
Gerald Elliott, Jaffrey; Navy
Gilbert Evans, Keene; Army
Sherwood Jackson, Stoddard; Army
Raymond Johnson, Keene; Marines
Robert Kennedy, Winchester; Navy
John Lafreniere, Jaffrey; Army
Arthur Lienhardt, Jaffrey; Army
Lionel Lortie, Keene; Army
Harry Martin, Hinsdale; Medical Corps
James Murphy, Jaffrey; Air Force
Joseph Poisson, Keene; Navy
Leo Richard, Swanzey; Army
James Rounds, Winchester; Army
Wendell Roye, Keene; Army
William Russell, Winchester; Army, Tank Destroyer Battallion
Harry Scott, North Walpole; Navy
Charles Stroble, Swanzey; Air Force
David Swenson, Keene; NSA
John Trubiano, Keene
Raymond Wallace, Jaffrey; Army
Jerome Weinrieb, Swanzey; Army Air Corps
Lakes Region
Arthur Betourne, Belmont; Navy
George Bridgeman, Laconia
Peter Casey, Gilmanton
Louis Dall, Barnstead; Marines
Duke Dawalga, Tilton; Air Force
William Donovan, Gilmanton; Army
Donald Frost, Gilford; Navy
Robert Giguere, Laconia; Navy
Eugene Greenwood, Belmont; Marines
George Houle, Laconia; Army, Air Force
Robert Meredith, Center Barnstead; Army
Philip Moreau, Gilford; Air Force
Joseph Prisco, Alton; Air Force
Richard Sanderson, New Hampton; Air Force
James Sycovaris, Gilford
Israel Willard, Gilmanton; Marines
Derry Area
Bernard Bowie, Hampstead; Navy
Gerald Brand, Derry
Vincent Callahan, Sandown
Calvin Cameron, West Chesterfield; Army
Robert Celeste, Derry; Army
George Chaloux, Derry; Navy
Milton Christian, Derry
Alberto Frasca, Derry
Donald Gagne, Derry; Navy
Frederick Gresch, Hampstead
Melvin Heidt, Londonderry; Navy
Jeffrey Jones, Derry; Marines
Mary Jones, Derry; Navy
Haigaz Krikorian, Derry; Army
Andrew Laroche, E Hampstead; Navy
Joseph Longey, Chester
William Mafera, Derry; Marines
Francis Mahoney, Hampstead
William Malatesta, Chester
Joseph Marston, Derry; Army Air Corps
Robert McRobbie, Derry
Daniel Mulhall, Sandown; Army
Norman Page, Derry; Army
Ken Putney, Sandown
Ernest Rutherford, Chester; Air Force
Joel Saren, East Hampstead; Marines
Charles Shapiro, Londonderry; Army Air Corps
Daniel Shelpman, Derry
Justin Sidley, Derry; Navy
Tim Siekmann, Londonderry
John Sullivan, Londonderry; Army
William Timledge, Sandown; Marines
Manchester Area
John Balon, Bedford
Francis Bartula, Manchester; Navy
Joseph Beauregard, Goffstown; Army Air Corps
Dennis Beer, Auburn
Edward Bellemare, Bedford
Joseph Bennett, Manchester; Army
Ronald Bissonnette, Goffstown; Navy, Army
Roger Bleau, Manchester; Army
William Block, Manchester
Roger Boisvert, Manchester
Edward Bolton, Manchester; Marines
Robert Boudreau, Manchester
Norman Bouley, Auburn; Army Reserve
Rene Bourque, Manchester; Navy
Maurice Breton, Hooksett; Navy
Richard Bruner, Bedford; Navy
Howard Bugbee, Goffstown; Army
Joan Burgan, Manchester; Navy
Peter Burkush, Manchester; Army Air Corps
Louis Buxton, Manchester; Army
William Carbone, Manchester
Hon. William Cashin, Manchester
William Cavanaugh, Auburn; Air Force
Philip Chaplain, Bedford; Army, Tank Destroyers Battalion
Andrew Cohen, Manchester; Maine Air National Guard
Floyd Colburn, Weare
Ernest Corey, Manchester
Armand Cote, Hooksett
John Coyne, Manchester
Robert Dennis, Manchester
Pierre Dezainde, Manchester; Army
Eugene Donati, Hooksett; Army Medical Corps
Maurice Doyle, Manchester; Army
Romeo Dubreuil, Manchester; Navy
Gilbert Estey, Candia; Army
Edgar Faucher, Manchester; Army
Joseph Fielding, Manchester; Army
Rene Flurey, Manchester; Marines
Melvin Fogle, Manchester; Navy
Louis Foskin, Manchester; Army
John Frain, Weare; Army
Richard French, Manchester; Navy
Hildred Gardner, Manchester
Vincent Giambartolome, Bedford; Navy
Peter Giampa, Manchester
Roland Gionet, Manchester; Air Force
Anthony Gordon, Raymond; Army Engineers
George Guimond, Manchester; Army
Donald Hartley, Bedford; Coast Guard
Richard Hayes, Manchester; Army Air Corps
Albert Heggelund, Auburn; Marines, Army
Walter Ingaharro, Candia; Marines
Bruce Johanson, Manchester; Navy
David Johnson, Manchester; Army
Walter Joyce, Manchester
Nicholas Kacavas, Manchester; Navy
Nicholas Kalipolites, Manchester
John Kapp, Manchester; Marines
Hon. John King, Manchester; Navy
James King, Manchester; Air Force
Merton King, Hooksett; Army
Thomas King, Manchester
Charles Kokkinos, Manchester; Army
Dennis Kounas, Candia; Air Force
Stanley Kuzia, Manchester
Roland Laflamme, Manchester; Army
Gerard Lagasse, Manchester
Thomas Lambert, Manchester; Army
Roger Lang, Manchester; Navy
Ralph Lavallee, Goffstown; Army
Robert Ledoux, Hooksett
Robert Legasse, Manchester; Army
Gerard Lemay, Manchester; Navy
Normand Lemay, Manchester; Air Force
Lucien Lemire, Manchester
Robert Leonard, Manchester; Army Air Corps
Menelaos Lianos, Manchester; Army
John Mahoney, Manchester; Air Force
Pete Manning, Manchester; Iraq Veteran
Patricia McCarthy, Manchester; Women's Land Army
Arthur McCloskey, Manchester; Army
Richard McDonough, Manchester
John McNally, Manchester; Navy, Air Force
Ralph Mehlhorn, Manchester; Army Air Corps
John Morakis, Manchester; Army
Angel Morales, Candia
Hugh Muir, Manchester; Marines
Franklin Neddeau, Manchester; Army
Edward Newdorf, Manchester; Army Air Corps
Denis Norton, Hooksett; Navy
Nassery Noufel, Manchester; Air Force
Frederick Oconnor, Manchester; Air Force
Felix Ostrouch, Manchester; Army Air Corps
Bertrand Ouellette, Auburn; Air Force
Thomas Padden, Manchester; Army
Edgar Paquin, Hooksett; Army
Mark Pare, Manchester
Emile Pinard, Manchester; Air Force
Marcel Pinard, Manchester; Navy
Frank Pizzutillo, Manchester; Army
Robert Platek, Manchester; Air Force
Philip Plentzas, Manchester; Marines
Eugene Prest, Hooksett; Navy
Paul Proulx, Manchester; Air Force
George Provost, Manchester; Navy
Richard Querze, Manchester; Air Force
Roger Raiche, Bedford
Alfred Ranger, Manchester; Air Force
Lionel Reed, Manchester; Air Force
Frank Reidy, Manchester; Army
David Rennie, Manchester; Navy
Alfred Richardson, Manchester
Antonio Roberge, Manchester; Army
David Roche, Manchester; Navy
Frederick Rose, Candia
Charles Rossier, Merrimack
Vincent Roukey, Manchester; Marines
Henry Royer, Manchester; Army
Bernard Rubin, Manchester; Army
Joe Saxon, Candia
George Shapiro, Merrimack; Navy
William Silakos, Manchester; Army
Arthur St Cyr, Manchester; Navy
Armand Talbot, Goffstown; Navy
Marcel Talbot, Manchester; Air Force
Barbara Allen Upton, Bedford
Napoleon Vachon, Manchester; Navy
William Watts, Manchester; Army
Francis Weber, Candia
Russell Zela, Manchester; Army
Nashua Area
Michael Atkins, Lyndeborough; JAG Corps
Raymond Barriault, Hudson; OSS
Thomas Barry, Nashua
Roland Bedard, Hudson
Gerard Belanger, Hudson
Gordon Bennett, Amherst
Frederick Bieber, Hudson; Royal Canadian Air Force
Roy Blaisdell, Nashua
Paul Bleau, Nashua; Air Force
Robert Boggis, Nashua; Army
Charles Boghigian, Nashua
Alfred Bouchard, Nashua; Army
Janice Bouchard, Nashua; Air Force
Raymond Brousseau, Hudson
Wilfred Cabana, Peterborough; Air Force
Lee Caron, Nashua; Navy and Army
Michael Cascini, Hudson; Army
John Cesana, Hudson; Army, former commander Hudson VFW Post
Robert Cloutier, Hudson; Marines
Roger Cloutier, Nashua; Air Force
Demetrios Coutsonikas, Nashua
Grant Dearborn, Hudson; Navy
Albert Desrosiers, Hudson
Benjamin Devoid, Milford
Raymond Dionne, Hudson; Navy
Paul Donovan, Peterborough; Air Force
Raymond Drouin, Hudson; Navy
Irving Dunckelman, Peterborough; Army
John Dunn, Hollis; British Navy
John Ferbert, Hudson; Army
Robert Fish, Nashua
John Galbo, Nashua; Army
David Geoffrey, Peterborough; Army
James Gorman, Nashua
Rep. Paul Hackel, Nashua
Alfred Haley, Hudson; Air Force
Paul Haskell, Hudson; Navy
Edmund Henault, Peterborough; Navy
Raymond Hewey, Nashua; Air Force
Stephen Homoleski, Brookline; Air Force
James Kearns, Hudson
Richard Keating, Milford
Laurie Keller, Nashua; Army Artillery
Keith Killgren, Nashua; National Guard, Afghanistan Veteran
Kenneth King, Peterborough; Army
Thomas Kostoulakos, Nashua; National Guard
Maurice Labrie, Nashua; Army
Peter Lachapelle, Nashua; Navy
Raymond Lafleur, Hudson; Army
Roland Lefebvre, Nashua; Air Force, Former Commander Nashua VFW Post
Joseph Lessard, Peterborough; Air Force
Theodore Lessard, Nashua; Army
Normand Loranger, Nashua; Army
Maynard Maddocks, Hudson; Marines
Peter Markiewicz, Nashua; Army
Bernard Martin, Nashua
John McKillop, Nashua; Army
Gerald McMillan, Hudson; Army
Fernand Morin, Hudson; Army
James Myers, Hudson; Navy
Julius Narkunas, Nashua; Army Air Corps
Armand Nourie, Nashua; Army
Nathaniel Ober, New Ipswich
Gerald Olsen, Nashua; Army
David Otte, Hudson; Army
Richard Ouellette, Nashua; Air Force
Richard Palmer, Hudson; Army
John Pappas, Nashua
Frank Parker, Nashua; Army
Hedley Parsons, Mont Vernon; Army, Field Artillery
David Phillips, Nashua; Air Force
Eugene Potterton, Hudson; Navy
Gary Price, Mont Vernon; Air Force
Peggy Price, Mont Vernon; Air Force
George Rancourt, Hudson; Air Force
Joseph Reid, Nashua; Navy
Hugh Roberts, Amherst; Navy
Normand Rochette, Nashua; Air Force
Victor Schulze, Nashua; Navy and Army
James Shea, Peterborough; Air Force
Donald Tharp, Hudson; Army
Gareth Vincent, Hudson
Michael Bannan, Bristol; Air Force
Charles Buhrman, Plymouth
Richard Carrara, Hebron; Air Force
Aurol Chaisson, Ashland; Air Force
Jules Doner, Campton
Rep. Carole Estes, Plymouth
Everett Jesseman, Piermont; Army Engineers
John Northrup, Campton; Air Force
John Scarborough, Plymouth; Marines
Valerie Scarborough, Plymouth; Marines
John Townsend, Plymouth; Navy
Andrew Tuttle, Bristol; Army
Robert Allen, Kingston; Navy
Guy Arno, Hampton; Navy
John Arno, Portsmouth; Army
Eugene Balthaser, Greenland
Roger Beaupre, Epping; Army
Walter Belkovicz, Brentwood
Mary Bishop, Hampton; Navy
Leeman Boston, Portsmouth; Marines
Diane Botzum, Hampton
Thomas Bridge, Hampton; Air Force
Charles Burrill, Kingston; Navy
Wesley Calder, Greenland; Marines
Robert Casazza, Hampton; Navy
Edward Cassidy, Hampton; Army
Carlos Castro, Portsmouth; Army
Manuel Chavez, Portsmouth
Thomas Conway, Hampton
Paul Cote, Exeter; Army
Louis Defazio, Seabrook
Joseph Doucette, Newton
John Duffin, Hampton; Navy
Gary Flood, Epping; Army
William French, Hampton; Marines
Rodney Gagnon, Exeter
Patricia Gormley, Portsmouth; Marines, Navy
Armand Hebert, Hampton
Richard Hollihan, Portsmouth
Jerome Jean, Epping; Army
Donald Lavallee, Hampton; Army
F Marshall, Stratham; Navy
Richard McCleary, Portsmouth; Air Force
Frank McEachern, Hampton; Navy
Robert Merrick, Kingston; Army
Vincent Michniewich, Portsmouth; Army Air Corps
Richard Mills, Portsmouth; Army
Skip Mobbs, Portsmouth; Air Force
George Novell, Epping; Army
Robert Parshley, Kingston; Army
Edwin Pecker, Kingston; Navy
Leonard Pufahl, Portsmouth; Air Force
Charles Rogers, Rye; Navy
James Schlough, Stratham; Marines
John Senter, Epping; Navy
Howard Sloan, Epping; Air Force
Roger Soucy, Epping; Army
Henry Sullivan, Hampton
Joseph Verna, Portsmouth; Army
Stuart Vogel, Exeter
Thomas Weisensee, Epping; Navy
Melvin Wilt, Hampton
Donald Yemma, East Kingston; Navy
Rochester Area
Leonard Arkerson, Middleton; Navy
Arthur Beane, Rochester; Air Force
Manuel Blattstein, Rochester; Army
Robert Breton, Rochester; Seabees
Rep. George Brown, Rochester
Richard Canney, Farmington; Army
Harry Colbath, Farmington; Marines
William Coyne, Barrington
Rep. James Cyr, Strafford
Albert Doak, Farmington; Navy
Armand Dostie, Rochester
Roland Dubois, Rochester; Navy
Claire Fabiano, Rochester; Navy
James Fabiano, Rochester; Navy
Barry Flanagan, Rochester; Navy
George Fleming, Barrington
Robin Flockerzi, Rochester; Marines, Air National Guard
Walter Goodale, Rochester; Army
Lawrence Grassi, Barrington; Navy
Bradford Harrington, Rochester; Army
Roland Lefebvre, Rochester; Army
Bernard McGlone, Farmington; Navy
Kenneth Neal, Farmington; Army
George Nichols, Rochester; Army
Wayne Perreault, Barrington
Carmel Radwan, Rochester; Navy
Eugene Risso, Barrington; Navy
Louis Ryan, Middleton; Army
Carl Stanley, Rochester; Army, Air Force
Harold Surago, Farmington; Army
Norman Talbot, Rochester; Marines
Thomas Taylor, Farmington; Navy
Valmore Vachon, Rochester; Army
Rogers Ward, Rochester; Army
Salem Area
Raymond Busta, Atkinson; Army
William Connell, Atkinson; Navy
John Cronin, Pelham; Army
Harley Featherston, Salem
Jerome Gosselin, Salem; Army
Raymond Harmacinski, Salem; Navy
William Knoop, Pelham; Air Force
Robert Leslie, Salem; Marines
Charles Mooskian, Pelham; Navy, Commander, Pelham VFW Post
Christos Payos, Salem; Air Force
Everett Smith, Atkinson; Air Force
James Thomas, Atkinson; Air Force
Jerry Burt, Plainfield
William Ellis, Grafton
Robert Ells, Orange
Hon. Ralph Hough, Grantham
Victor Kaplan, Hanover
Irving Ligeti, Lebanon; Air Force
Paul McNamara, West Lebanon; Air Force
Allan Monica, Lebanon; Marines
Eugene Seiffert, Enfield
Howard Shaffer, Enfield
John Stevens, Lebanon; Air Force
Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - NH for Hillary Announces Over 500 Veterans and Military Retirees for Hillary Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/293537