Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - NH Sen. Molly Kelly Becomes 50th State Legislator to Endorse Hillary for President
Five New State Representatives Also Endorse
MANCHESTER, NH - The New Hampshire for Hillary campaign continues to build a strong organization in every corner of the state, and today announced Senator Molly Kelly and five new state representatives have endorsed Hillary for President, bringing the total number of NH legislators supporting Hillary to 50. State Representatives Susan Beauchesne (Allenstown), Roger Berube (Somersworth), Tom Fargo (Dover), Anne Grassie (Rochester), and Tom McGuirck (Hampton) join Kelly in announcing their support today.
"It is my honor to endorse Senator Hillary Clinton for President, and I join an impressive and committed network of supporters hard at work spreading Hillary Clinton's message of change and record of leadership across the state," said Senator Kelly. "Wherever she goes in New Hampshire, people are not only hearing why she is ready to lead this country, they are seeing her passion and commitment to the issues that really matter in this historic election."
"Senator Clinton's bipartisan record of getting things done for the people of New York and her 35-year commitment to fighting for working families and children are what this country needs in its next President," said Kelly.
Sen. Kelly joins an active group of Hillary supporters from Cheshire County that has met regularly since February. Sen. Kelly is a graduate of Keene State College and has been a family financial advisor for 10 years. She has also served as the Treasurer and Vice Chair of Healthy New Hampshire Foundation and was the Chair of the New Hampshire State Commission on the Status of Women from 1998 to 2003.
"I continue to be thrilled and humbled by the amazing people joining my campaign in New Hampshire and across the country," said Clinton. "Senator Kelly will be an incredible asset to my campaign in Cheshire County and throughout the state."
The five state representatives announcing their support today include both freshmen and senior members of the House as well as a former city councilor, a geologist, a Little League coach and small business owner.
Rep. Beauchesne is currently serving her first term in the House and is a member of the Executive Department and Administration Committee. Rep. Berube is currently serving his seventh term and strongly supports Senator Clinton's work on behalf of veterans and their families. He retired from the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in 1994 and was a city councilor in Somersworth for 20 years. Rep. Fargo is also serving his first term and he is chairman of the Dover Conservation Commission. A geologist by trade, he is a proponent of environmental protection and growth management.
Rep. Tom McGuirk is serving his first term in the House and is a small business owner and realtor. Rep. Grassie is currently serving her seventh term and has been involved in the Rochester Jaycees since 1979 and is a certified Little League coach. She has decided to endorse Senator Clinton because of her lifetime commitment to youth and children's issues.
Sen. Kelly has been a resident of Keene, NH for the past 25 years. She and her husband Art Luptowski have four children and five grand children. Their youngest son recently graduated from Keene High School.
Previously endorsed legislators include Senate President Sylvia Larsen (Concord), State Senators Betsi DeVries (Manchester) and Deb Reynolds (Plymouth) as well as the following 41 state representatives:
- Rep. Peter Allen - Harrisville, NH
- Rep. Catriona Beck - Bennington, NH
- Rep. Bernie Benn - Hanover, NH
- Rep. Del Burridge - Keene, NH
- Rep. Jane Clemons - Nashua, NH
- Rep. David Cote - Nashua, NH
- Rep. Peter Cote - Nashua, NH
- Rep. James Cyr - Strafford, NH
- Rep. John DeJoie - Concord, NH
- Rep. Carole Estes - Manchester, NH
- Rep. Carol Friedrich - Wentworth, NH
- Rep. Ray Gagnon - Claremont, NH
- Rep. Jill Hammond Shaffer - Peterborough, NH
- Rep. Roger Hebert - Manchester, NH
- Rep. Roland Hofemann - Dover, NH
- Rep. Doreen Howard - Newmarket, NH
- Rep. Jean Jeudy - Manchester, NH
- Rep. Stephen Johnson - Manchester, NH
- Rep. Eleanor Kjellman - Henniker, NH
- Rep. Angie Kopka - Nashua, NH
- Rep. Bette Lasky - Nashua, NH
- Rep. Gus Lerandeau - Keene, NH
- Rep. Melanie Levesque - Brookline, NH
- Rep. Tony Matarazzo - Nashua, NH
- Rep. Martha McLeod - Franconia, NH
- Rep. Ricia McMahon - North Sutton, NH
- Rep. Ed Mears - Berlin, NH
- Rep. Lori Movsesian - Nashua, NH
- Rep. Mike Reuschel - Manchester, NH
- Rep. Deanna Rollo - Rollinsford, NH
- Rep. Mike Rollo - Rollinsford, NH
- Rep. Trinka Russell - Stratham, NH
- Rep. Joan Schulze - Nashua, NH
- Rep. Barbara Shaw - Manchester, NH
- Rep. Jim Splaine - Portsmouth, NH
- Rep. Mary Sysyn - Manchester, NH
- Rep. Hector Velez - Manchester, NH
- Rep. Janet Wall - Madbury, NH
- Rep. Mary Jane Wallner - Concord, NH
- Rep. Deborah Wheeler - Northfield, NH
- Rep. Jane Wood - Laconia, NH
For more information on Hillary's New Hampshire campaign, please visit www.hillaryclinton.com/nh.
Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - NH Sen. Molly Kelly Becomes 50th State Legislator to Endorse Hillary for President Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/293585