Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Ted Cruz Says No One's Trying To Ban Contraception. Here Are 5 Times Ted Cruz Tried To Restrict Access To Contraception
Jiminy Cricket!
Ted Cruz says he has "never met anybody—any conservative—who wants to ban contraceptives."
Hey, Ted? Let us introduce you to one conservative trying to limit access to contraception. His name is Ted Cruz.
Here are five times—and counting—Cruz has personally tried to make it harder for women to get birth control:
1. The time he supported a so-called personhood amendment, which could criminalize abortion and could ban some forms of birth control.
He scored this endorsement for his efforts:
2. The time he was willing to shut down the government to cut funding from Planned Parenthood.
3. The time he called for the Supreme Court to turn women's personal health decisions over to their employers by striking down the Obamacare birth control co-pay provision.
Under the Affordable Care Act, millions of women are now getting birth control without a co-pay. Ted Cruz not only wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act—he celebrated the Hobby Lobby ruling that allowed CEOs of for-profit corporations to decide whether or not to cover birth control for their employees.
4. The time he tried to get rid of a law that made it so women couldn't be fired for their personal reproductive decisions (including birth control).
Or having an abortion.
5. And the time he used a medically and scientifically incorrect argument to try to ban emergency contraception.
Ted Cruz wants to be president (and he's got as much of a shot as any of the Republican candidates). But he not only refuses to face the truth that women's health and rights are under attack in this country -- he has a long record of trying to limit access to birth control (and ban abortion, and cut women off from preventive care). That's what's at stake in 2016.
Jiminy Cricket.
Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Ted Cruz Says No One's Trying To Ban Contraception. Here Are 5 Times Ted Cruz Tried To Restrict Access To Contraception Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/317491