Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - The Reviews Are In: 'Score One For Hillary,' 'An Overwhelming Victory,' 'She Connected'
DES MOINES REGISTER'S YEPSEN - 'SCORE ONE FOR HILLARY,' 'CRISP, COGENT AND METHODICAL': "Score one for Hillary Clinton. The New York senator turned in the single most impressive performance during a debate among the Democratic presidential candidates Thursday night in Washington, D.C. Clinton was crisp, cogent and methodical in her answers. She understood better than any of the other candidates the need for terse answers when so many candidates are given so little time in which to answer questions. It's more than just a debating skill. American presidents lead the nation through television appearances, and Clinton's performance Thursday night suggests she can do that." [Des Moines Register, 6/29/07]
DONNA BRAZILE - HILLARY 'WAS A STANDOUT,' 'SHE CONNECTED': "Brazile said 'Clinton was a standout. She clearly understood that these issues deserve urgent attention, and she connected on that,' Brazile said of the New York senator." [San Francisco Chronicle, 6/29/07]
NEW YORK POST - 'AN OVERWHELMING VICTORY FOR CLINTON': "In the nation's capital, 33 undecided voters who identified themselves as people of color and who supported John Kerry in 2004 scored last night's face-off an overwhelming victory for Clinton. Twenty-seven participants gave the former first lady the nod..." [New York Post, 6/29/07]
MSNBC'S FIRST READ - IT'S 'UNANIMOUS,' 'CLINTON HAD THE STRONGEST PERFORMANCE': "The reviews, however, seemed to be unanimous: Clinton had the strongest performance. She won the post-debate spin and the clip war. That was crystal clear this morning." [First Read, 6/29/07]
SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE - HILLARY WON THE CROWD OVER WITH 'AN IMPASSIONED PERFORMANCE': "...Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared to win many of them over in an impassioned performance that addressed their anger over inequality." [San Francisco Chronicle, 6/29/07]
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS - HILLARY 'SCORE REPEATED POINTS': "Clinton scored repeated points by acknowledging the pervasiveness of racism and inequality more forcefully than the other candidates." [New York Daily News, 6/29/07]
POLITICO - 'FIRST PLACE,' HILARY 'LOOKED LIKE SHE WAS IN CHARGE, WITH A COMMAND OF THE ISSUES AND EVEN SOME SOARING RHETORIC': "FIRST PLACE: Hillary Clinton... And, once again, Hillary, as her campaign officially refers to her, looked like she was in charge, with a command of the issues and even some soaring rhetoric now and again: 'Yes, we have come a long way. But, yes, we have a long way to go. The march is not finished.'" [Politico, 6/29/07]
ABC NEWS' RICK KLEIN - HILLARY 'MY CALL FOR A WINNER,' 'CRISP, CONCISE, SPECIFIC': "My call for a winner right now is Clinton - she's crisp, concise, and specific." [ABCNews.com, 6/29/07]
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS - HILLARY'S 'CLOSE TIES TO THE AFRICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY SHOWN THROUGH': "It was clear from the answers to the first questions that...Hillary Clinton, spoke with greater confidence on race issues, and in fact she brought many of the women in the audience to their feet when she addressed the alarming rate of HIV/AIDS infections in the black community... Clinton's close ties to the African-American community shone through in her remarks.' [New York Daily News, 6/29/07]
ABC NEWS' GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS - 'ANOTHER SOLID DEBATE PERFORMANCE FROM HILLARY CLINTON': "Another solid debate performance from Hillary Clinton...And she got the biggest applause on the night on her answer about why blacks are suffering from AIDS at higher rates than whites." [Good Morning America, 6/29/07]
THE NATION - 'ANOTHER DEBATE, ANOTHER GOOD NIGHT FOR HILLARY':"Another Debate, Another Good Night for Hillary Clinton... Rather, it was a comment by Clinton to the reality of how deeply racial disparities still divide and damage the United States. During a discussion of responses to the AIDS crisis, which had hit young African-American women especially hard, the senator from New York said, "Let me just put this in perspective: If HIV-AIDS were the leading cause of death of white women between the ages of 25 and 34 there would be an outraged, outcry in this country." Clinton had to struggle to finish the sentence, as the crowd's applause rose to deafening levels. It was a masterful moment; one that, fairly or unfairly, inspired comparisons with the best performances of his husband, Bill. And, while Clinton did not dominate this debate as she did the last one in New Hampshire, she again came off as the most polished of the candidates. [The Nation, 6/28/07]
Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - The Reviews Are In: 'Score One For Hillary,' 'An Overwhelming Victory,' 'She Connected' Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/292670