New campaign video shows growing momentum as Iowans switch allegiances to Hillary
DES MOINES, IA — As Hillary Clinton kicks off the third day of her "Every County Counts Tour" of Iowa, her campaign released a new video today that spotlights several Iowans that have decided to caucus for Hillary after initially supporting other candidates.
Every day, as Hillary travels across the Hawkeye State, more and more Iowans are drawn to her experience and message of change. As momentum continues to grow for her candidacy, this video reflects the sentiments of a growing number of Iowans who have decided that Hillary Clinton is the candidate most ready to lead.
Watch the video here:
Todd Eaton: A former Obama supporter, Todd switched to Hillary after seeing all the candidates speak at the Harkin Steak Fry this fall. "All my friends I went with were strong Hillary supporters, and so they convinced me to take a better look at Hillary and her positions on a lot of the significant issues that are important to me and the rest of this country," he explains. "She's the one who's that is going to be able to help us resolve those problems. She's best equipped to do it.... I took off my Barack button after the Harkin Steak Fry and haven't put it back on since."
Richard Stockstad: A former Obama supporter, Richard switched to Hillary because he wants a President with the experience to hit the ground running on day one. "I think the primary issue is that she is the right person right now for this job," he said.
Monty Mickle: A former Edwards supporter, Monty was leaning towards Senator Obama before finally deciding to caucus for Hillary. "I came to the conclusion that Hillary was the best person for the job because of her experience," he explains.
John and Carlotta Paul: John and Carlotta both caucused for Senator Edwards in 2004 and were supporting his current campaign before deciding that Hillary had the leadership and experience to make change happen. "We went to several political rallies that we were invited to," said Carlotta. "We saw Hillary Clinton at Waukee, Iowa and she spoke on health care. And at the end of that particular meeting, both my husband and I were impressed by the fact that Hillary had plans." Echoing the same process that people across Iowa have gone through, John explained his transformation to a Hillary supporter. "In the process, we always go around and look at all the candidates when they come into town, and we became impressed with the foresight that Hillary presented," he said.
The video comes on the heels of Clinton's endorsements by the Des Moines Register, Congressman Leonard Boswell, and former Senator Bob Kerrey, as well as her strong performance at last week's final presidential debate in Iowa.
In the days leading up the Iowa caucuses, the Clinton campaign will spotlight additional Iowans from across the state who have switched to Hillary.
Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - We've Switched to Hillary Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project