ARIZONA: Prior to Sen. Obama's event in Phoenix, Clinton campaign Rapid Responders Mary Rose Wilcox and Alejandro Chavez urged Sen. Obama to refrain from continuing to make negative, misleading attacks on Hillary's record... The campaign announced its LGBT Steering Committee and held LGBT phone banks.
ARKANSAS: In North Little Rock, Hillary held a "Solutions for the American Economy" town hall. Read more.
CALIFORNIA: In Oakland, Sacramento and Los Angeles, Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, and Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa promoted Hillary's economic stimulus package. Read more... In Los Angeles, U.S. Rep. Hilda Solis and human rights leader Dolores Huerta joined supporters for an "Out for Hillary" phone bank... In Sacramento, Lt. Gov. John Garamendi addressed health care professionals and promoted Hillary's plan to provide quality, affordable health care to every American... In San Diego, labor leader Dolores Huerta participated in a Latinos for Hillary rally and phone bank. Huerta was joined by Luz Ayala of CONORCO, the Confederacion de Organizaciones de California y Clubes de Oriundos de Michoacin... The campaign announced Hillary will on Friday hold "Solutions for America" town halls in San Diego, San Jose, and San Francisco and on Saturday hold a "Solutions for America" town hall in Los Angeles.
COLORADO: In Denver, President Clinton held a "Solutions for America" event. Read more... Sen. Obama made four misleading attacks on Hillary during his visit to the state. Former Denver Mayor Wellington Webb responded and set the record straight.
CONNECTICUT: House Speaker Jim Amann endorsed Hillary... In North Haven, Kim Gandy, the President of the National Organization for Women, spoke at a volunteer meeting. Read more.
GEORGIA: In Atlanta, Hillary spoke at the National Baptist Convention of America and the Georgia Democratic Party's Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner. Read more.
ILLINOIS: In Edwardsville, President Clinton held a "Solutions for America" event at Southern Illinois University. Read more.
MINNESOTA: The newspaper La Prensa de Minnesota endorsed Hillary. Read more.
MISSOURI: State Senators Joan Bray and Jolie Justus and State Representatives Bruce Darrough, Michael Spreng, Esther Haywood, Trent Skaggs and Rachel Storch held a press conference in Jefferson City to discuss how Hillary's health care plan would cover every Missourian.
NEW JERSEY: New Jersey State Sen. Majority Leader Steve Sweeney, State Sen. Joe Vitale and former John Edwards state coordinator Mike Beeson endorsed Hillary... In Montclair, Sen. Bob Menendez and Rep. Bill Pascrell headlined a rally for Hillary supporters at Montclair State University.
NEW MEXICO: The campaign announced its leadership council, which includes more than 150 elected officials and community leaders throughout the state... More than 21 legislators endorsed Hillary, including Sen. Majority Whip Mary Jane Garcia and State Rep. Ray Begaye.
NEW YORK: In Albany, volunteers canvassed to get out the vote... In Long Island, Hillary supporters held a press conference to announce their pre-election get out the vote activities.
OKLAHOMA: In Norman, President Clinton and Chelsea drew nearly 7,000 people to a "Solutions for America" event at the University of Oklahoma. Read more.
TENNESSEE: The campaign held an open house at its Knoxville office.
WASHINGTON: U.S. Sen. Patty Murray endorsed Hillary. Sen. Murray is the 12th Senator to join the campaign. Listen.
Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Yesterday in the States Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project