SOUTH CAROLINA: In Columbia, Hillary called for a Student Borrowers' Bill of Rights that would protect students and families from predatory student loans. Read more... In Rock Hill, Hillary held a "Solutions for America" town hall. Read more... In Columbia, Hillary participated in the South Carolina Democratic Party's "Election Eve Stump Meeting" in Columbia... In Charleston, Hillary joined President Clinton for a rally... In Spartanburg, Chelsea spoke with students at the University of South Carolina Upstate. Read more... Chelsea also answered questioned at Winthrop University in Rock Hill. Watch or read more... President Bill Clinton stumped in Spartanburg. Read more... President Clinton also held "Solutions for America" town halls in Clinton, and St. Helena Island... "Women for Hillary" continued their "All Voices Count" tour with events in Columbia, Florence, Greenville, West Ashley and Charleston... New York Lieutenant Governor David Patterson stumped for Hillary in Columbia... U.S. Rep. Charlie Rangel and former New York City Mayor David Dinkins participated in a business roundtable in Columbia and joined Hillary at her town hall, at the stump meeting, and at the rally.
ALABAMA: A new Rasmussen poll has Hillary up by 15 points over Sen. Obama (43-28). Read more.
ARIZONA: Phoenix City Council members Michael Nowakowski and Tom Simplot endorsed Hillary... A new Behavior Research Center poll has Hillary up by 10 points over Sen. Obama (37-27). Read more.
CALIFORNIA: In Garden Grove, the campaign hosted a Bring Your Own Phone party (BYOP) with U.S. Rep. Loretta Sanchez, Assemblymember Jose Solorio and civil rights leader Dolores Huerta...The campaign also hosted a press conference to discuss its outreach program to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs). Members of the AAPIs for Hillary Steering Committee and other AAPI community leaders attended events at the Los Angeles and San Francisco campaign headquarters, met with campaign volunteers and called voters across the Golden State... In Fresno, Assemblymember Juan Arambula, Councilmember Cynthia Sterling and Councilmember Blong Xiong hosted an organizing meeting with other Central Valley elected officials.
CONNECTICUT: The campaign announced "Labor Leaders for Hillary."
MASSACHUSETTS: The campaign announced the endorsement of numerous elected officials from Newton.
MINNESOTA: The Minnesota DFL Feminist Caucus (DFLFC) endorsed Hillary. This is the first time in the 35-year history of the DFLFC that the organization has endorsed before the general election... The campaign also launched a new website to highlight Hillary's efforts in the state. Visit.
MISSOURI: Members of the Machinists (IAMAW), Painters (IUPAT), Letter Carriers (NALC), Sheet Metal Workers (SMWIA), Teachers (AFT) and government workers (AFSCME) held roundtables on the economy in Raytown, Jefferson City and St. Joseph... A new Rasmussen poll has Hillary up by 19 points over Sen. Obama (43-24)... A new Research 2000 poll for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and CBS affiliate KMOV-TV has Hillary up by 13 points over Sen. Obama (44-31). Read more.
NEW JERSEY: Rabbi Sally Priesand endorsed Hillary. Rabbi Priesand is the first woman ordained as a rabbi in the United States.
NEW MEXICO: State Auditor Hector Balderas endorsed Hillary. Balderas is the youngest Latino statewide elected official in the country... The campaign continued its outreach to Latino voters with bilingual phone banks.
NEW YORK: The New York Times endorsed Hillary! Read more... The Amsterdam News, one of America's oldest African-American newspapers, endorsed Hillary, citing her strength, forthrightness, and dignity. Read more... The campaign celebrated the opening of its Rochester office and the launch of its Monroe County campaign. Assemblyman Joe Morelle joined dozens of Hillary supporters and local leaders to discuss the campaign's plans.
OKLAHOMA: In Norman, the campaign hosted a roundtable with local college students to discuss Hillary's plans to make college affordable and protect students and families from predatory lending practices... The campaign also launched a new website to highlight Hillary's efforts in the state. Visit.
TENNESSEE: The campaigned announced Hillary would tonight hold a "Solutions for America" town hall in Nashville and tomorrow morning attend worship services in Memphis.
Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Yesterday in the States Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project