Today, South Carolina Congressman Jim Clyburn endorsed Hillary Clinton citing that she is the best candidate to take on challenges that face our country by working to achieve equal pay for equal work, reforming our criminal justice system, and investing in Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Hillary Clinton released the following statement on Congressman Clyburn's endorsement:
"I am incredibly honored to have earned the endorsement of South Carolina's Congressman Jim Clyburn, a lifelong progressive champion of affordable health care, educational opportunity, and civil rights. I'm very grateful also to his wonderful wife, Emily. The Congressman is committed to making real change for working people in South Carolina and across the country–and is as creative a legislator as he is tenacious. I look forward to working with him to fight for universal health care, make college affordable, protect the environment, end red-lining in housing once and for all, make it easier to start and grow small businesses, expand his innovative '10-20-30' approach to invest in underserved communities and break the cycle of intergenerational poverty, and find every way we can to help families get ahead and stay ahead. Congressman Clyburn knows we need to break down every barrier holding Americans back–because America can't live up to its full potential until we make sure every American has a chance to live up to theirs."
Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Statement on the Endorsement of Congressman Jim Clyburn Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project