Huckabee Campaign Press Release - Huckabee Surges In The Polls - Former Arkansas Governor Ups Lead in Iowa to 5, Takes Second Place Nationally
LITTLE ROCK, AR – New poll numbers released by the Des Moines Register show former Arkansas Governor and Republican Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee leading in Iowa by 5 points, while yet another national poll by Rasmussen shows Huckabee in possession of second place.
Poll numbers this week released throughout last week show Huckabee leading in Iowa, double digits and climbing in both New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Florida, and in second place nationally.
"The numbers show we are climbing in the early states as well as nationally. My conservative message of faith, family, and freedom is resonating with the American people. They know it's authentic. Ironically, the more we get attacked, the more our numbers soar," said Huckabee.
"There's no substitute for message -- and the voters know it. That is why we'll be out front in the only polls that really matter – those on the respective primary and caucus days," he said.
Key findings of the Des Moines Register poll show Huckabee wins the support of 29 percent of Iowans who say they definitely or probably will attend the Republican Party's caucuses on Jan. 3 – up 17 percentage points from an earlier poll taken in October. Huckabee leads Governor Romney, his nearest rival, among men, 28 percent to 20 percent, and he has more support among caucus-goers between the ages of 35 and 54 and is preferred 2:1 by those who wish their presidential candidate to be a social conservative.
Huckabee also outscores the entire Republican field as the candidate who is the "most socially conservative, the most civil in tone and the most principled."
DesMoines Register Iowa Caucus Poll: December 1, 2007
Huckabee 29%
Romney 24%
Giuliani 13%
Thompson 9%
McCain 9%
Rasmussen Iowa Poll: November 28, 2007
Huckabee 28%
Romney 25%
Giuliani 12%
Thompson 11%
McCain 4%vantage/Maj. Opinion
Rasmussen National Tracking Poll: December 1, 2007
Giuliani 24%
Huckabee 15%
Thompson 14%
McCain 13%
Romney 10%
American Research Group South Carolina Poll: November 30, 2007
Giuliani 23%
Romney 21%
Huckabee 18%
Thompson 13%
McCain 10%
Rasmussen New Hampshire Poll: November 30, 2007
Romney: 34%
Giuliani 15%
McCain 15%
Huckabee 14%
Thompson 3%
Insider Advantage Florida Poll: November 28, 2007
Giuliani 26%
Huckabee 17%
McCain 13%
Romney 12%
Thompson 9%
"This recent flurry of polls showing upward momentum is great news, but what matters is performance. I'm going to continue to campaign hard to win the hearts and minds of the voters who I believe will be receptive to my positive message of change for America's future," said Huckabee.
Mike Huckabee, Huckabee Campaign Press Release - Huckabee Surges In The Polls - Former Arkansas Governor Ups Lead in Iowa to 5, Takes Second Place Nationally Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project