Joe Biden

ICYMI: At 2022 NABJ-NAHJ Convention, White House Press Secretary Highlights President's Efforts to Advance Equity and Economic Opportunity for Black and Hispanic Communities

August 12, 2022

On Saturday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre traveled to Las Vegas for the 2022 NABJ-NAHJ Convention and Career Fair where she participated in a fireside conversation with Dorothy Tucker and Nora López, the presidents of the National Association of Black Journalists and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, respectively. During the conversation, Jean-Pierre spoke to the President's whole-of-government approach to equity, the booming economy, job creation and historic low unemployment numbers for communities of color.

See her remarks here.

Read more below:

Michigan Chronicle: White House Press Secretary Addresses Black Journalists at Las Vegas Convention
[Andre Ash, 8/8/22]

During the hour-long event, Jean-Pierre will gave remarks to journalists and participated in a Q&A with NABJ President Dorothy Tucker and NAHJ President Nora López.

Jean-Pierre also highlighted her uniqueness in being "a first in this role" because of President of Joe Biden. The decision the Biden's in choosing her to speak for the White House and represent the administration's policy is a part of an effort across federal government agencies "to look like the country", she says.

WEAA 88.9FM: White House press secretary talks representation, journalists at NABJ/NAHJ
[Jordan D. Brown and Kiara Smith, 8/8/22]

At one of the largest conferences for journalists of color, Jean-Pierre spoke on the importance of diversity and representation in the journalism field, the White House administration and all workforces.

"It is important to have representation," Jean-Pierre said. "It is important to have people to look like me and people to look like all of you."

Jean-Pierre also briefed on the importance of journalism to democracy and its recently strained relationship with the public.

She emphasized the White House administration's efforts not to attack journalists or put them in "harm's way."

The Grio: White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to address Black and Hispanic journalists at Vegas convention
[Gerren Keith Gaynor, 8/5/22]

In a statement provided to theGrio, Jean-Pierre said, "The Biden-Harris administration knows the power and importance of media. We know that the work of NABJ and NAHJ makes journalism, and our country, fuller and richer."

She added, "I'm honored to travel to Nevada to participate in this year's convention, and I look forward to discussing the work President Biden and Vice President Harris are doing to advance racial equity and create opportunities for all."

El Tiempo Latino: Secretaria de Prensa de la Casa Blanca participará en convención de reporteros negros y latinos en Las Vegas  

"La administración Biden-Harris conoce el poder y la importancia de los medios. Sabemos que el trabajo de NABJ y NAHJ hace que el periodismo y nuestro país se enriquezca", dijo Jean-Pierre.

"Me siento honrada de participar en la convención de este año y continuar hablando con las comunidades negras y latinas sobre el trabajo que están haciendo el presidente Biden y la vicepresidenta Harris para promover la equidad racial y crear oportunidades para todos", añadió.

Joseph R. Biden, ICYMI: At 2022 NABJ-NAHJ Convention, White House Press Secretary Highlights President's Efforts to Advance Equity and Economic Opportunity for Black and Hispanic Communities Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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