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ICYMI: In Major Speech, VP Harris Outlines Administration's Vision for the Future of AI

November 01, 2023

"A future where AI is used to advance the public interest:" During Major Speech in London, Vice President Harris Outlines the Administration's Vision for the Future of AI

"President Biden and I reject the false choice that suggests we can either protect the public or advance innovation; we can and we must do both," said the Vice President while highlighting steps that the Administration is taking to realize their vision for a future where AI creates opportunity, advances equity, and protects fundamental freedoms

LONDON – Vice President Kamala Harris delivered a major speech in London today where she outlined the Biden-Harris Administration's vision for the future of AI. The Vice President defined AI safety, urged the global community to address the full spectrum of current and looming risks, and presented steps that the Administration is taking to realize "a future where AI is used to advance the public interest."

"The urgency of this moment must compel us to create a collective vision of what this future must be: a future where AI is used to advance human rights and human dignity, where privacy is protected and people have equal access to opportunity, where we make our democracies stronger and our world safer," said Vice President Harris. "And that is the future President Joe Biden and I are building."

While the Vice President noted that AI has the potential to do profound good, she specifically called out some of the many ways in which AI is currently causing harm to people throughout the world. "President Biden and I reject the false choice that suggests we can either protect the public or advance innovation; we can and we must do both," the Vice President said. "The actions we take today will lay the groundwork for how AI will be used in the years to come."

During her speech, Vice President Harris also announced a series of new U.S. initiatives to promote safe, secure, and trustworthy AI. This includes launching a new U.S. AI Safety Institute, unveiling new draft policy guidance on government's use of AI, sharing a commitment from 30 nations to join the U.S. in endorsing a Political Declaration on the Responsible Use of AI and Autonomy, and announcing an unprecedented $200 million funding pledge by 10 leading foundations toward efforts to mitigate AI harms and promote responsible use and innovation.

"President Biden and I believe that all leaders – from government, civil society, and the private sector – have a moral, ethical, and societal duty to make sure that AI is adopted and advanced in a way that protects the public from potential harm and that ensures that everyone is able to enjoy its benefits," said Vice President Harris. "Let me be clear: these voluntary commitments are an initial step toward a safer AI future, with more to come."

Today's major speech follows an event on Monday where Vice President Harris and President Biden unveiled the most significant action on AI by any government in the world. This trip to the United Kingdom also builds on her long record of leadership to confront the challenges and seize the opportunities of advanced technology. In May, she convened the CEOs of companies at the forefront of AI innovation, resulting in voluntary commitments from 15 leading AI companies to help move toward safe, secure, and transparent development of AI technology. In July, the Vice President convened consumer protection, labor, and civil rights leaders to discuss the risks related to AI.

The Vice President is now participating in a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak before traveling to Bletchley Park tomorrow to participate in two sessions of the Global Summit on AI Safety. This is the Vice President's 14th foreign trip since being sworn in as she has continued to lead on the global stage while visiting 20 countries and meeting with more than 150 world leaders to strengthen America's critical alliances.

Read more about today's speech:

Kamala Harris, ICYMI: In Major Speech, VP Harris Outlines Administration's Vision for the Future of AI Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/367419

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