Joe Biden

ICYMI: Mayors Urge Congress to Pass President Biden's Build Back Better Agenda

August 13, 2021

This week, mayors from across the country came together virtually to applaud the Senate passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and called upon Congress to pass President Biden's Build Back Better Agenda, which "will deliver the generational investments that America's cities need to continue their economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, grow our economy from the middle out, and create millions of new jobs."

The mayors' statements underscored the importance of the Build Back Better Agenda, which includes President Biden's American Families Plan and key elements of the American Jobs Plan that were not included in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal. The mayors touted the impacts of the Build Back Better Agenda's "investments that will help cities thrive, including investments in housing, child care, community college, and climate action."

Read the statements below.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti:
"Mayors see firsthand the struggles of the people they serve, and know the profound impact these dollars will have on their daily lives. If passed, this reconciliation package will fuel the recovery of our cities and make possible long overdue investments to immediately improve the quality of life for millions of Americans."

Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney:
"This $3.5 trillion budget resolution will be a game changer in our communities if approved by the House of Representatives. Specifically, the investment in universal pre-K for 3- and 4-year olds is needed in the City of Richmond as 59 percent of children are unprepared when they start kindergarten. Preschool access is a critical component to community wealth-building and has been shown to increase the maternal employment rate — a population we know has been hit the hardest by the pandemic."

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan:
"For America to build back better we must invest in people and reignite the American dream. Seattle has led the way with two free years of college for our high school graduates and expanded pre-school for our 3 and 4-year-olds. We must build pathways to family wage jobs that will support and build our future," said Mayor Jenny Durkan. "We also must invest in rebuilding our roads and bridges. The cracked West Seattle Bridge is not just a critical commuting corridor, it is an economic driver for the region with goods passing through the Port of Seattle on their way to or from the rest of our country. To lead the way in the fight against climate change and rebuild our economy, we must prioritize the infrastructure of the future – like clean, rapid transit and electric vehicle charging."

Scranton Mayor Paige Cognetti:
"The American Families Plan is our opportunity - and our obligation - to provide a level playing field for America's children and secure our nation's economic future. We must act boldly and decisively now to address the sustained and growing inequities that serve as barriers to the American Dream for our kids and our families. If we fail now we fail generations of Americans and put our national security in jeopardy."

Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan:
"We must work to eliminate the barriers preventing Detroit's youth from achieving their educational goals. No one should be denied a quality education of their choice because of their zip code. The Build Back Better plan will do just that."

Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas:
"Far too many Kansas City and American families have struggled for far too long to make ends meet, faced with stagnant wages and, simultaneously, rising costs of living—which is why it's vital that Congress quickly pass President Biden's Build Back Better Plan. As someone who grew up experiencing homelessness, I know firsthand how quickly costly bills and missed payments can compound upon each other, making it near impossible for families to climb out of financial crisis. Finally, this Plan would open doors to important opportunities—such as safe and affordable housing—for families like mine. I look forward to working with the Biden Administration to quickly implement the Build Back Better Plan, which will provide Kansas Citians with affordable housing and child care, paid medical leave, and good-paying jobs."

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey:
"In Minneapolis, we are making historic investments in creating and preserving affordable housing. We are proud to be doubling down on these priorities, and these efforts are supercharged by Federal funding like what is proposed in the Build Back Better plan," said Mayor Jacob Frey. "These types of investments are how we build back the housing infrastructure necessary to make sure we are emerging from this pandemic to not just return to normal, but to blow past normal and create a new more equitable city for all."

San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg:
"The Build Back Better plan is a major boost for our efforts to make the economy work better for average American families. The BBB agenda will improve the lives of Americans, many of whom were hurting before the COVID-19 pandemic struck."

San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria:
"We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to build our nation back better than ever. Through this package, we can rebuild and adapt our nation's infrastructure to combat the impacts of the climate crisis, create millions of affordable homes, pull millions out of poverty with the expansion of tax credits for families, and forge a path to the middle class through universal pre-K and free community college. I thank President Biden and Vice President Harris for their bold vision and look forward to joining with my mayoral colleagues across the country to support this critically important effort."

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., ICYMI: Mayors Urge Congress to Pass President Biden's Build Back Better Agenda Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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