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ICYMI: "She Has Been Everywhere"

August 21, 2023

During her nonstop Summer of Action, the Vice President traveled to 17 states to hold large-scale events with key constituencies, tout the accomplishments of the Biden-Harris Administration, and continue leading the fight for fundamental freedoms

WASHINGTON – During her whirlwind Summer of Action, Vice President Kamala Harris traveled to 17 states as she touted the accomplishments of the Biden-Harris Administration and led the continued fight for fundamental freedoms. While logging thousands of miles on the road and holding dozens of engagements on the ground, the Vice President continued her leadership on key issues that directly impact the American people – from protecting reproductive rights and addressing gun violence, to advancing economic opportunity, delivering climate action, and fighting for the freedom to learn and teach America's full history.

"Let us continue to fight toward a future where every woman has the freedom to make decisions about her own body, where every voter has the freedom to make their voice heard, where every child can learn our true and full history, where every family can live free from violence and hate, and where every person — no matter where they are or where they come from — has the opportunity to thrive," said Vice President Harris while headlining the African Methodist Episcopal Women's Missionary Convention in Orlando.

From Florida and Massachusetts to Illinois and Indiana, she spoke directly with Black Americans, Latinos, women, young people and students, and faith leaders. Vice President Harris keynoted the Rainbow PUSH Coalition's Convention, the Delta Sigma Theta National Conference, the UnidosUS Conference, the NAACP National Convention, the AME Women's Missionary Society Quadrennial Convention, the ESSENCE Festival, and Everytown's Gun Sense University.

The Vice President's Summer of Action also included a flurry of events in which she touted how the Biden-Harris Administration has delivered for people throughout the country. She was in Arizona and the Gila River Indian Community to talk about infrastructure investments, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania to discuss successful efforts to boost manufacturing and create good-paying jobs, and Maryland, Washington, and Colorado to uplift historic work to address the climate crisis. Additionally, Vice President Harris fought to improve maternal health while in Iowa, Texas, and North Carolina, and met with small business owners in California and Washington, DC to highlight new investments.

Vice President Harris not only took her message to the road but also to the airwaves. She reached diverse audiences on a variety of digital platforms, spoke with local media outlets, and sat down for a series of national interviews. This includes speaking with ABC News, MSNBC, Univision, NPR, Indian Country Today, and large print outlets.

Read more about Vice President Harris's Summer of Action:

MSNBC's The Sunday Show: "She has been everywhere," Jonathan Capehart, Rev. Al Sharpton, and Molly Jong-Fast discuss Vice President Harris' summer

NBC News: Kamala Harris Plans Tour Energizing Key Democratic Groups in Coming Weeks

People: Kamala Harris Addresses Florida's Mandate to Teach About Slavery's 'Benefit'

CNN: VP Harris calls state's mandate to teach slavery 'benefits' a 'gaslighting' attempt

NBC: Harris to Latinos: Immigration 'extremists' are 'inhumane'

ABC: Harris rejects DeSantis challenge to debate slavery, Florida academic standards

USA Today: Harris rejects DeSantis' invitation to debate Black history standards

Reuters: Gun laws or second amendment is a 'false choice,' Harris says in Chicago

NBC News: In Charlotte, Kamala Harris says Roe v. Wade reversal created a 'health care crisis'

Chicago Sun Times: VP Kamala Harris urges Hispanic leaders in Chicago to stand against extremists

Boston Globe: Vice President Kamala Harris makes surprise visit to Roxbury Community College

Miami Herald: VP Harris to talk freedom, faith at Black church in Orlando

Orlando Sentinel: In Orlando, Harris slams DeSantis' offer to discuss slavery

Chicago Sun-Times: Harris tells young activists in Chicago they are key to ending gun violence

Des Moines Register: VP Kamala Harris criticizes abortion bans, urges Iowa to expand Medicaid for new mothers

Seattle Times: Kamala Harris, in Seattle, says climate crisis impact is 'stark,' 'vivid'

The Spokesman Review: Vice president touts 'Bidenomics' in speech to mark anniversary of Inflation Reduction Act

Philadelphia Inquirer: Vice President Kamala Harris visited Philly to announce increased pay for some construction workers

Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel: Kamala Harris Visit Focused on Biden's Broadband Efforts

Denver Post: Vice President Kamala Harris says Denver students' climate plan is a model for others to follow

Kamala Harris, ICYMI: "She Has Been Everywhere" Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/364384

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