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ICYMI: Vice President Harris Joins Congresswoman Karen Bass and Planned Parenthood Los Angeles for a Discussion on Reproductive Rights

October 18, 2022

Yesterday, Vice President Kamala Harris joined Congresswoman Karen Bass (D-CA-37) and Celinda Vázquez, Vice President of Public Affairs for Planned Parenthood Los Angeles, for a moderated discussion on protecting reproductive rights. The Vice President continues to meet with leaders from across the nation who are on the frontlines fighting to protect reproductive health care and abortion access.

Read more below:

ABC 7: VP Kamala Harris discusses protecting abortion rights during LA visit: 'We need Congress to act'
[Josh Haskell, 10/18/2022]

During a visit to Los Angeles Monday, Vice President Kamala Harris spoke with local leaders and women's right advocates about what the Biden administration is doing following the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Harris shared that the administration is addressing all the confusion women have over different laws in different states, which has led to disinformation.

The vice president's biggest message was for people to vote. "The reality of it is that we are going to have to protect these rights ultimately by having national legislation, and there's only one path to getting there. There's only so much the executive branch can do on this," Harris said. "We have three co-equal branches of government. The court has acted. Now we need Congress to act."

"The coalition-building piece on this is so extraordinarily important. This is an inter-generational movement," Harris said. "This is a movement among so many people who are allies, who are in this together for so many reasons, so lets just stay committed to it all."

KTLA: Vice President Kamala Harris discusses abortion rights in Los Angeles visit
[Sandra Mitchell and Travis Schlepp, 10/17/2022]

[Harris's] visit comes as the nation's attention turns to abortion rights in the wake of the United States Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, the landmark abortion rights legislation.

"It is extremely fragile, it will only be as strong as our willingness to fight for it," the vice president said, stressing that those in support of abortion rights will need to remain loud and focused on the issue. Harris said she has worked to protect reproductive rights across the country, insisting it's not just about abortion — but about basic American rights. "These are founding principles, that we as Americans hold dear: freedom and liberty," Harris said. "And that means all of us are susceptible."

For almost an hour, the vice president discussed the issue with Congresswoman Karen Bass and a representative from Planned Parenthood L.A. The conversation took place before a crowd of 400 supporters, including state and local leaders.

Additional Coverage:

Los Angeles Times: Kamala Harris, once Karen Bass' rival for vice presidency, offers support in mayor's race
CBS News: Kamala Harris to come to LA For reproductive rights event, democratic national convention fundraiser
NBC Los Angeles: Vice President Harris in LA to Discuss Reproductive Rights
Los Angeles Blade: Vice-President & local leaders discuss reproductive rights & Prop 1
KFI AM 640: Harris to Participate in LA Area Reproductive Rights Event, DNC Fundraiser

Kamala Harris, ICYMI: Vice President Harris Joins Congresswoman Karen Bass and Planned Parenthood Los Angeles for a Discussion on Reproductive Rights Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/358433

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