Herbert Hoover photo

Informal Remarks on Presenting Census Schedule to the Federal Census Taker.

April 02, 1930

J. STERLING MORAN. Sir, I am the Federal census taker for this district and have come to enumerate the occupants of this house.

THE PRESIDENT. Very good. I have secured a family schedule which has been filled out in advance and is ready for you. Here it is [handing the schedule to Mr. Moran].

I have already prepared this for you. It is well that the American people know the census is confidential. There is no special reason for secrecy here, however.

It is well to have a confidential census taken by the Government to enumerate the people. I hope you will have everywhere the assistance you deserve. The census is vital to the progress and determination of many social policies. In fact, it is the great stocktaking of American progress.

Note: The President spoke at an informal ceremony on the south steps of the White House. As printed above, this item follows the text set forth in a contemporary news account.

Herbert Hoover, Informal Remarks on Presenting Census Schedule to the Federal Census Taker. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/211780

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