After terrorists murdered 35 people in Brussels last week, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz competed to see who could fashion an American police state response more quickly. Trump demanded that the United States close its borders to Muslims and torture Muslim captives. Cruz suggested forebodingly that police patrols were needed to "secure Muslim neighborhoods."
And Ohio Gov. John Kasich? "One guy says we should patrol Muslim neighborhoods and the other says we should withdraw from NATO and have a religious test on who comes into the country? Do you think we're going to fix this problem with these approaches?" he asked during a meeting Tuesday with Journal Sentinel reporters and editors. "If you want to find out about the radicals inside of the Muslim community, you frankly have to ask a Muslim.
"We have to have communication between the civilized world — all of us together
Kasich had a smart, pragmatic answer. He is, in fact, the only thoughtful candidate with a fundamental belief in long-standing democratic principles who remains standing in the GOP primary field.
The Editorial Board normally avoids recommendations for political office. But the Republican presidential campaign this year demands a stand: We recommend John Kasich in the Wisconsin Republican primary on April 5.
Read the full editorial by clicking HERE.
John Kasich, Kasich Campaign Press Release - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Endorses John Kasich Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project