The Hartford CourantApril 17, 2016
[Kasich] has a record of working collaboratively, without Cruz-like disruptions, in Congress and as governor of the swing state of Ohio.
He is a budget hawk who served six of his 18 years in Congress as chairman of the House Budget Committee and, significantly, was a chief architect of the 1997 balanced budget. He balanced Ohio's budget as well, turning a big shortfall into a nice surplus.
He's fluent on foreign policy, having served all of his 18 congressional years on the House Armed Services Committee.
He also appears to have a heart, at least when it comes to some things: As governor, he broke with his party to accept additional Medicaid funding from Obamacare for the uninsured in his state.
Nevertheless, he does see government more as a force for good than an instrument to smite his enemies. In this he's much preferable to the clueless Donald Trump and the scary Ted Cruz. The Courant endorses him for the Republican presidential nomination.
Read the full editorial here.
John Kasich, Kasich Campaign Press Release - The Hartford Courant Endorsed John Kasich Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project