Klobuchar Campaign Press Release - Amy Klobuchar Raises $11.4 Million In Fourth Quarter, More Than Doubling Third Quarter Numbers

January 03, 2020

MINNEAPOLIS, MN — Today, the Amy For America campaign announced it raised $11.4 million from 145,126 donors in the fourth quarter. The campaign exceeded its third quarter fundraising numbers by 137% and had the strongest fundraising quarter of the entire campaign. The average online contribution was $32 and 92% of donors gave less than $200.

"Our campaign has seen a massive surge in grassroots support and this has allowed us to make critical campaign investments," said Amy For America Campaign Manager Justin Buoen. "Senator Klobuchar's standout performances on the debate stage in October, November, and December resonated with voters and caucus-goers across the country. As a result, we have been able to double our staff in Iowa and New Hampshire and make critical investments in Nevada and South Carolina as well as prepare for Super Tuesday. As we head into 2020, Amy for America is building momentum and a strong grassroots operation that can win big in 2020."

Alongside a polling surge in the fourth quarter, Senator Klobuchar held more than 130 events across 13 states, including the completion of her 99 county tour in Iowa — a major milestone with just six weeks left until caucus day. She also earned several key New Hampshire endorsements before barnstorming the Granite State for a three day, seven town hall swing. Additionally, the campaign rolled out plans to uphold the federal government's responsibility to veterans, connect students to the jobs of the day through affordable education, safeguard our elections, expand opportunities for national service, prepare for the future of work and a changing economy, and invest in housing and poverty reduction.

Amy Klobuchar, Klobuchar Campaign Press Release - Amy Klobuchar Raises $11.4 Million In Fourth Quarter, More Than Doubling Third Quarter Numbers Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/365985

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