Letter Accepting Resignation of Dwight Griswold as Chief, American Mission for Aid to Greece.
Dear Governor Griswold:
On June 10, 1947 you undertook the assignment of Chief of the American Mission for Aid to Greece. At that time Greek internal security was seriously threatened by armed guerilla bands, and the Greek economy was on the verge of imminent collapse.
On May 22, 1947 the Congress of the United States had decided that our gallant wartime ally, who had suffered two cruel invasions and four years of Axis occupation, should not be allowed to fall under Communist domination as a result of foreign pressure or the actions of armed minorities, but that we would help her maintain her independence and territorial integrity through a program of assistance. It was to direct that effort that you responded to your nation's call and took up your task in Greece.
Today the situation in Greece is greatly changed. The guerilla bands which threatened Greece's internal security have been defeated in the Grammos Mountains, and remnants are being brought under control by the Greek National Army troops, which are supplied by United States aid. Although the economic situation in Greece is not as yet satisfactory, the inflationary crisis has been passed and there is hope for gradual improvement under the Economic Recovery Program. Due to the heroic efforts of the Greek people and the American Mission for Aid to Greece, but due also in large measure to the leadership which you provided, Greece has been saved as a democratic nation, and important American security interests in this strategic area of the world have been maintained.
In accepting your resignation as Chief of the American Mission for Aid to Greece, I wish to extend to you my personal thanks and those of the people of the United States for a job well done.
Very sincerely yours,
[Honorable Dwight Griswold, Chief of the American Mission for Aid to Greece, Department of State, Washington, D.C.]
Note: Mr. Griswold's letter of resignation, dated September 14, was released with the President's reply.
Harry S Truman, Letter Accepting Resignation of Dwight Griswold as Chief, American Mission for Aid to Greece. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/232798