Harry S. Truman photo

Letter Accepting Resignation of Oscar Chapman as Secretary of the Interior.

January 16, 1953

[Released January 16, 1953. Dated January 13, 1953]

Dear Oscar:

I have your letter of January seventh and, in accordance with your wish, I am accepting your resignation effective at the end of my term of office. As I do so, I want you to know that I have thoroughly enjoyed our association and that I am grateful for the energy and wisdom with which you have administered the Department of Interior.

I am proud of having so many career civil servants in my Cabinet. I once said in a speech that you know more about the Interior Department than any other man who has ever been Secretary of the Interior. You have done an outstanding job for your Government. The conservation and wise development of our natural resources, which are entrusted to your Department, have been in good hands. Under your administration, great forward steps have been taken in reclamation programs and the expansion of public power in the West.

In years to come your important contribution to the advancement of human rights will also be recognized, I am sure. You have fought hard for statehood for Alaska and Hawaii; you were instrumental in the development of local self-government leading to the formation of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; you have fought vigorously for home rule for the District of Columbia; and you have worked with determination and vigor for the full enjoyment of the rights and privileges of citizenship in all Federal jurisdictions.

I know you will never cease to work for the public good and that you will bring to your future work, whatever it may be, the same spirit with which you have resolved so many difficult problems in the past seven years.

Sincerely yours,


Note: Mr. Chapman served as Assistant Secretary of the Interior from May 5, 1933, to March 26, 1946, as Under Secretary of the Interior from March 27, 1946, to December 1, 1949, and as Secretary of the Interior to January 20, 1953. His letter of resignation, dated January 7, was released with the President's reply.

Harry S Truman, Letter Accepting Resignation of Oscar Chapman as Secretary of the Interior. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/231396

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