Letter Accepting Resignation of Rowland R. Hughes as Director, Bureau of the Budget.
Dear Rowland:
While I have long been aware that you would not be able to carry on indefinitely as Director of the Budget, it is with deepest regret that I accept the fact that personal obligations compel you to leave Government on April first.
Budgetary responsibilities are always heavy and complex, but those you have carried during the past two years seem to me even more challenging than customary. As you are so well aware, courage, unflagging effort, and broad sympathetic understanding have been indispensable requirements in reestablishing the nation on a strong budgetary foundation--a foundation on which it is possible, for an indefinite time and without resort to borrowing against future generations, to make proper provision for both the nation's security and the advancement of human values so fundamental to our democracy. It is a tribute to your wise judgment and devoted service that we have reached our present reassuring position. You should take vast pride in the balanced budgets now at hand.
I know that the Department and Agency heads with whom you have worked closely throughout this Administration share in the deep feeling of appreciation that I have for your always helpful advice and cooperative spirit. We shall sorely miss your presence in the continuing effort ahead.
To my sincere thanks for your fine contribution I add all best wishes for health and happiness in the future.
With warm regard,
Note: Mr. Hughes' letter of January 17, 1956, follows:
My dear Mr. President:
You will recall that when I came down to help Joe Dodge in the Budget Bureau in the beginning of April 1953 the assignment was strictly for one year. When Mr. Dodge left in April 1954 and I became Director, I agreed to extend the period up to two years more. That time is up this coming April. Compelling personal and family reasons make it essential that I carry out that timetable and leave the Budget Bureau about the 1st of April, 1956.
The balanced budget for FY 1957 with the forecast of a balance also for FY 1956 has gone to the Congress. I am glad to have had a part in the grand job of the Eisenhower team under your leadership in accomplishing this notable achievement.
Mr. President, you are truly doing a wonderful work for our country. It has been a great satisfaction and a high point in my experience to be associated with you and the great team you have assembled. I know perhaps better than many others what the accomplishments have been in these three years. You have furnished the needed combination of sound fiscal operation and the continued building up of human values with full recognition and provision of necessary posture of military strength. All have been kept in proper proportion and that has protected our heritage and offered hope for the free world, so sadly needed. God bless you.
You shall continue to have my whole hearted support and help in any way I can, even though no longer officially part of the administration.
With great respect and affection, I am,
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Letter Accepting Resignation of Rowland R. Hughes as Director, Bureau of the Budget. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/233019