Letter Accepting the Resignation of Adm. B. R. Inman as Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
Dear Bob:
It is with deep regret that I accept your resignation. Your dedication and contributions to the United States over more than 30 years of naval service have been of inestimable value.
The culmination of your naval career as Deputy Director of Central Intelligence has been especially significant for my administration. Your leadership and wise counsel in our efforts to rebuild the U.S. Intelligence Community have been instrumental in the successes we have achieved.
You leave the Intelligence Community in a strengthened and enhanced posture, far better equipped to deal with the many emergencies we face as a nation than when you assumed your position. I am sincerely grateful that you consented to serve and thank you for a job well done.
March 22, 1982
Dear Mr. President,
As you know, because of the expressed need for my experience in helping Director Casey organize, re-orient and begin rebuilding the capabilities of the CIA and the rest of the Intelligence Community, I reluctantly accepted your request last year that I serve as the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence. I believe that initial challenge has been met and that it is now time that I move on to fresh challenges. Accordingly, I would be grateful if you would accept my resignation from assignment as the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence.
Subject to your desires, I will remain in place until my successor has been confirmed, but would hope, for family reasons, that that process can be completed prior to the end of the summer. In the absence of another active duty assignment, which I do not anticipate, I will separately request retirement from military service via the Secretary of the Navy, effective on the first of the month following confirmation of my successor.
I believe the commitment you have made to rebuilding the capabilities of the U.S. Intelligence Community over the years ahead will rank as one of the major contributions' of your first term. I count myself fortunate to have had a small part in that undertaking. I have every confidence that you will sustain the necessary flow of people and resources to complete the rebuilding in the years ahead. You and Director Casey have my best wishes for continued success.
Very respectfully,
B. B. Inman
Admiral, US. Navy
Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
Ronald Reagan, Letter Accepting the Resignation of Adm. B. R. Inman as Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/245224