Letter Accepting the Resignation of Stanley S. Scott, Special Assistant to the President.
Dear Stan :
I have received your letter of October 2, and it is with sincere gratitude for your many years of dedicated public service that I accept your resignation from the White House staff upon a date to be determined. You have served very effectively as Special Assistant to the President and before that as Assistant to the Director of Communications of the Executive Branch. I know the work has been demanding, but with your ability, candor and energy, you have made significant contributions in the important field of minority relations. I am sorry to lose you.
I fully understand your desire to accept a new assignment at the Agency for International Development. The appointment will provide you with a larger opportunity to lend your well-deserved reputation and your expertise in government to helping alleviate some of the difficult and complex problems facing Africa. The United States is committed to helping to solve those problems and your appointment reaffirms that commitment.
In departing the White House you may be sure you take with you my best wishes as well as my deep appreciation for a job well done. As you join AID I am confident that you will continue to provide the leadership needed for your important new responsibilities.
Warmest personal regards,
[The Honorable Stanley S. Scott, The White House, Washington, D.C. 20500]
Note: Mr. Scott's letter of resignation read as follows:
Dear Mr. President:
It was more than four years ago that I was asked to join the White House staff as Assistant to the Director of Communications, and later as a Special Assistant to the President.
Mr. President, as I discussed with you earlier, I would now like to pursue other challenging responsibilities in government, and hereby submit my resignation effective at a date to be determined.
I will always be grateful for the trust and confidence you placed in me when you asked me to continue in my position when you became our President. I shall remember fondly our personal relationship when you were Vice President.
We are fortunate to have you as our President. We badly need your ongoing leadership to restore confidence in government. I believe, as you do, that there is much to be done to make the American dream a reality for all Americans. Equally important, I agree with your remarks stated to me more than a year ago when you said: "We can make the American dream a reality if we all pull together as a people for the common good."
Serving my country has always been of the highest importance to me, and the opportunity to participate at the highest level of government will always be among the most meaningful and rewarding experiences of my life.
Mr. President, my decision to seek new challenges was not an easy one. My years here, while hectic and always active, have also been personally very rewarding.
I consider it an honor and a privilege to have been able to work with you. Let me assure you that I shall do my best to represent my Country ably and well in whatever task lies ahead.
Warm best wishes to you and The First Lady,
Special Assistant to the President
[The President, The White House, Washington, D.C. 20500]
Gerald R. Ford, Letter Accepting the Resignation of Stanley S. Scott, Special Assistant to the President. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/257662