Harry S. Truman photo

Letter to Committee Chairmen Concerning a Program in Aid of fugitives from Communism.

March 24, 1952

[Released March 24, 1952. Dated March 22, 1952]

My dear Mr.:

In compliance with Section 101(a)(1) of the Mutual Security Act of 1951, I hereby notify you that I have today determined that it will contribute to the defense of the North Atlantic area and to the security of the United States to initiate a program to improve the reception and treatment and to secure the resettlement of qualified people who escape from the Iron Curtain area. This program will supplement, but in no sense supersede, the efforts now being made by the countries bordering on the Iron Curtain area which carry the main responsibility for taking care of these people.

This program has been recommended to me by the Director for Mutual Security with the concurrence of the agencies concerned. It is their estimate that approximately $4,300,000 of funds appropriated under Title I of the Mutual Security Act will be required for the calendar year 1952 to fund this program, which together with $2,900,000 planned to be obtained from other sources including counterpart and privately contributed funds, will make possible the carrying out of this program.

Representatives of the Executive Branch are prepared, at your convenience, to provide you and your Committee colleagues personally with further information about this program if desired.

Sincerely yours,


Note: This is the text of identical letters addressed to the Honorable Tom Connally, Chairman of the Senate foreign Relations Committee, the Honorable James P. Richards, Chairman of the House foreign Affairs Committee, the Honorable Richard B. Russell, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and the Honorable Carl Vinson, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee.
See also Item 65.

For the President's statement upon signing the Mutual Security Act of 1951, see 1951 volume, this series, Item 250.

Harry S Truman, Letter to Committee Chairmen Concerning a Program in Aid of fugitives from Communism. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/231549

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