Joe Biden

Letter to Congressional Leaders on Taking Additional Steps To Address the National Emergency With Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities

October 30, 2023

Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Madam President:)

Pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), I hereby report that I have issued an Executive Order that takes additional steps to deal with the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13694 of April 1, 2015 (Blocking the Property of Certain Persons Engaging in Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities), as amended by Executive Order 13757 of December 28, 2016 (Taking Additional Steps to Address the National Emergency With Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities), and further amended by Executive Order 13984 of January 19, 2021 (Taking Additional Steps To Address the National Emergency With Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities).

Significant malicious cyber-enabled activities continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States. To address this continuing national emergency and developments in associated technologies, subsections 4.2(c)-(d) of the Executive Order I have issued impose additional record-keeping and reporting requirements with respect to foreign persons who use United States Infrastructure as a Service Products and foreign resellers of those Products, including to train large Artificial Intelligence models with potential capabilities that could be used in malicious cyber-enabled activity.

In subsection 4.2(e) of the Executive Order I have issued, I have authorized the Secretary of Commerce to take such actions, including the promulgation of rules and regulations, and to employ all powers granted to the President by IEEPA as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of subsections 4.2(c) and(d) of the Executive Order I have issued.

I am enclosing a copy of the Executive Order I have issued.


Signature of Joe Biden

NOTE: Identical letters were sent to J. Michael Johnson, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Kamala D. Harris, President of the Senate. An original was not available for verification of the content of this letter.

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Letter to Congressional Leaders on Taking Additional Steps To Address the National Emergency With Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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