Letter to President Kubitschek of Brazil on the Occasion of Secretary Dulles' Visit.
[Released August 5, 1958. Dated August 2, 1958]
Dear Mr. President:
I am glad that Secretary Dulles is having this opportunity to visit Brazil and consult with you on problems of mutual interest. Close political, economic and military relations between Brazil and the United States have been our historic tradition. I have no doubt that the friendly cooperation in these fields, which has contributed so materially to the well-being, prosperity and security of both countries, will be maintained and intensified.
I have asked Secretary Dulles to assure you of my continuing personal interest in the constructive proposals you have recently made to explore, with the other American Republics, means for strengthening and further unifying the inter-American community. Your views, given at first hand to Secretary Dulles, will, I am sure, contribute notably to the definition and understanding of existing problems, as have those of other Chiefs of State obtained by Vice President Nixon in South America and Dr. Milton Eisenhower in Central America.
It is particularly gratifying to me that Secretary Dulles will be visiting with you the projected new capital, Brasilia. This project, fulfilling a long-standing aspiration of your countrymen, eloquently signifies the vigor and imagination of the Brazilian people, now on the threshold of even greater conquest of the vast interior of their happily endowed country.
With assurance of my highest consideration, and with my best wishes for the continued well-being and prosperity of the great Brazilian nation,
His Excellency
Dr. Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira
President of the United States of Brazil
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Letter to President Kubitschek of Brazil on the Occasion of Secretary Dulles' Visit. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/233810