Letter to the Chairman, Committee on Religion and Welfare in the Armed Forces, on the Conclusion of the Committee's Work.
Dear Mr. Weil:
The members of the President's Committee on Religion and Welfare in the Armed Forces deserve the thanks of the entire Nation for the work they have accomplished in the approximately two years during which they have been active. I, personally, have been extremely gratified at the splendid way in which the Committee and its staff have carried out their responsibilities.
The work the Committee has done has always been highly valuable. This work takes on increased significance as we face an uncertain future. I am sure that in the future, the Committee's reports and recommendations will provide a storehouse of wisdom from which we will frequently draw guidance on matters affecting the well-being of our military personnel. I regret that the Congress did not see fit to provide the funds which would have enabled your Committee to continue its constructive and important work.
Please extend my good wishes and gratitude to every member of the Committee and its staff for a job well done.
Very sincerely yours,
[The Honorable Frank L. Weil, Chairman, The President's Committee on Religion and Welfare in the Armed Forces, Room 1045, Tempo R Building, 4th and Jefferson Drive, S.W. Washington 25, D.C.]
Note: The President's Committee on Religion and Welfare in the Armed Forces was established by Executive Order 10013 of October 27, 1948 (3 CFR, 1943-1948 Comp., p. 835).
The President's letter was included in a White House release announcing that the Committee would conclude its activities on February 28, 1951. The release noted that the President had received the members of the Committee at the White House and personally thanked them for their services. It also included the names of the members and the text of Chairman Weils letter to the President, summarizing the accomplishments of the Committee.
See also Item 100.
Harry S Truman, Letter to the Chairman, Committee on Religion and Welfare in the Armed Forces, on the Conclusion of the Committee's Work. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/230467