Letter to the Director, Office of Defense Mobilization, Approving a Manpower Policy for Agricultural Labor.
Dear Dr. Steelman:
I have studied your proposed Defense Manpower Policy No. 6, dealing with some of the pressing problems which confront us in the field of agricultural manpower.
As you know, Secretary Brannan has talked with me about the problems in this area on a number of occasions. I feel that we should do everything we possibly can to insure an adequate supply of agricultural manpower consistent with adherence to the policy of universal service for all men between the ages of 18½ and 26.
If the agencies of Government discharge the responsibilities which you will assign to them under Defense Manpower Policy No. 6, we should make considerable progress in the direction of solving some of our agricultural manpower problems. I am in full accord with the policy and suggest you issue it promptly.
Sincerely yours,
[Dr. John R. Steelman, Acting Director, Office of Defense Mobilization, Washington, D.C.]
Note: Defense Manpower Policy No. 6 is published in the Federal Register (vol. 17, p. 5764). See also Items 185, 187.
Harry S Truman, Letter to the Director, Office of Defense Mobilization, Approving a Manpower Policy for Agricultural Labor. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/231086