McCain Campaign Press Release - Above Their Pay Grade: Barack Obama's Economic Indecision
"Barack Obama's refusal to take a stand on the biggest economic issue of the day shows he's not ready to make the tough calls needed to bring real reform and change to Wall Street and Washington. With the financial security of millions of hardworking Americans at stake, we can't afford a president who just votes 'present.' The next president will need to put country before politics and make tough decisions to secure our economic and national security. John McCain's life is filled with examples of putting country first and doing what's right, regardless of self-interest or political gain. As Barack Obama has shown again this week, he has no such record." -- Brian Rogers, McCain-Palin 2008 spokesman
INDECISION #1: Barack Obama "Would Not Say If He Supported Or Opposed" The AIG Bailout...
Yesterday, The Most Important Issue Of The Day Was The AIG Bailout And Barack Obama "Would Not Say If He Supported Or Opposed The Government-Backed Rescue Of Insurance Giant AIG." Fox News' Brit Hume:"The Democrat is not coming down one way or another on the AIG rescue. Correspondent Major Garrett explains why." Fox News' Major Garrett:"On the biggest financial issue of the day, Barack Obama would not say if he supported or opposed the government-backed rescue of insurance giant AIG." Barack Obama:"We don't know all the details of the arrangement with AIG and the Federal Reserve must ensure that plans protect the families that count on insurance." Garrett:"Obama also wants taxpayers protected but executives and shareholders exposed but on the central question to intervene or not, Obama sidestepped. Advisers said lack of details forced caution. The larger political truth; adv isors believe anxiety alone is enough to lift Obama in the polls. That is why on the trail, Obama doesn't talk about specifics of the moment but the nation's overall direction." (Fox News' "Special Report," 9/17/08)
Watch It Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxMVgD7uTVY
INDECISION #2: Joe Biden: "Hard For Me To Judge" On The AIG Bailout...
Joe Biden On The AIG Bailout: "It's Hard To Judge That Right Now." ABC'S KATE SNOW: "On Tuesday, you said that AIG should not be bailed out by the federal government. Do you still feel that way? Do you feel it was the wrong move for the Fed to jump in?" JOE BIDEN: "It's hard to second guess. I haven't spoken with the Secretary. I mean there's no good answer because it was the spot the policies of the last eight years that put us in. So it's hard to judge that right now, in my spot right here." (ABC's "Good Morning America," 9/18/08)
Watch It Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmn1LUgnjMs
INDECISION #3: Democrat Senate Leader Says "No One Knows What To Do" But Congress Is Likely To Go On Break...
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV): "No One Knows What To Do." "The Democratic-controlled Congress, acknowledging that it isn't equipped to lead the way to a solution for the financial crisis and can't agree on a path to follow, is likely to just get out of the way. Lawmakers say they are unlikely to take action before, or to delay, their planned adjournments -- Sept. 26 for the House of Representatives, a week later for the Senate. While they haven't ruled out returning after the Nov. 4 elections, they would rather wait until next year unless Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, who are leading efforts to contain the crisis, call for help. One reason, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said yesterday, is that 'no one knows what to do' at the moment." (Kristin Jensen, "Democratic Congress May Adjourn, Leave Crisis To Fed, Treasury," Bloomberg, 9/18/08)
INDECISION #4: Joe Biden Says Paying Higher Taxes Is "Patriotic"...
Joe Biden: "It's Time To Be Patriotic" And Pay Higher Taxes. JOE BIDEN: "We want to take money and put it back in the pocket of middle-class people." ABC'S KATE SNOW: "Anybody making over $250,000" BIDEN: "Is gonna pay more." SNOW: "Is going to pay more." BIDEN: "You got it. It's time to be patriotic, Kate. Time to jump in. Time to be part of the deal. Time to help get America out of the rut." (ABC's "Good Morning America," 9/18/08)
Watch It Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArJkzRYffec
INDECISION #5: Democrat Senator Doubts Barack Obama Can Actually Provide Middle Class Tax Relief...
Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND) Said It Would Be "Tough For Democratic Presidential Candidate To Deliver On His Promise To Provide Middle Class Tax Relief." "North Dakota U.S. Sen. Byron Dorgan said this week's financial crisis on Wall Street may make it tough for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama to deliver on his promise to provide middle class tax relief. 'We don't know the answer to that until we see what will flow from this financial crisis,' said Dorgan, who participated with U.S. Senate candidate Jeanne Shaheen in a conference call with reporters Wednesday. ... But he indicated he was not sure if Obama, a senator from Illinois, would be able deliver on all his promises he detailed in a recent visit to Dover. Dorgan said the federal government has now committed more than $1 trillion in taxpayers' money for the bailouts of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and American International Group, the world's largest insurance company. " (Robert Cook, "Wall Street Crisis May Hurt Obama's Tax Relief Promises," Foster's Daily Democrat, 9/18/08)
INDECISION #6: Barack Obama Was For The Commissions Before He Was Against Them...
Barack Obama "Has Liked Commissions" In The Past. FOX NEWS' STEVE DOOCY: "So it sounds like is he against commissions." FOX NEWS' BRIAN KILMEADE: "But it's not the truth, is it? Because in the past he has got a track record." FOX NEWS' GRETCHEN CARLSON: "It's more than a one pronged way to deal with the economy and the situation. A commission may be one part of it. It doesn't mean necessarily that you are not going to enact something immediately as well to deal with it, but let's take a look at the history of commissions and who has been in support of them before? Because according to past history, Barack Obama he has liked commissions." (Fox News' "Fox & Friends," 9/18/08)
Watch It Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gp0ugQjhmw8
John McCain, McCain Campaign Press Release - Above Their Pay Grade: Barack Obama's Economic Indecision Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/291874