McCain Campaign Press Release - "In Case You Missed It": Foster's Daily Democrat Endorses John McCain
"Sen. McCain's history of public service and devotion to country cuts across all political and socio-economic lines. His collective life experiences touch the broadest range of the American electorate. Within John McCain's background is something with which nearly everyone can find a kinship." -- Foster's Daily Democrat
"John McCain: A True Harbinger Of Change, A Candidate Of Hope"
[NH] Foster's Daily Democrat
October 13, 2008
There are two reasons to vote for John McCain on Nov. 4 -- who he is and what he stands for.
First, John McCain the person.
Sen. McCain's history of public service and devotion to country cuts across all political and socio-economic lines.
His collective life experiences touch the broadest range of the American electorate. Within John McCain's background is something with which nearly everyone can find a kinship.
He comes from a family and a tradition that emphasizes service to country. His father and his grandfather served in the Navy as part of the "greatest generation" during some of this county's most trying times. McCain followed in their footsteps during Vietnam, and in the process spent more than five years as a prisoner of war.
For McCain and many others, Vietnam was a life-changing experience. He grew from a self-admitted cocky, young aviator to a responsible adult, one who well understands what it means to find satisfaction in giving to others.
This father and husband has overcome the physical disabilities heaped upon him by the war.
He has been an independent voice in the U.S. Senate, one who speaks his mind and is beholding to no special interest or lobby.
John McCain is a person who possesses the wisdom that only years and experiences can engender.
He has conquered the foibles of youth and battled the challenges of adult life, far more so than Sen. Obama.
Then there is what John McCain stands for.
On gun control, he supports an individual's right to bear arms responsibly.
On justice for all, he wants judges that follow the U.S. Constitution, not ones who make it up as he or she goes.
On health care, he wants to give all Americans choice not mandates. He wants to lower prices and expand health care programs, such as community clinics.
On the economy, he understands the American dream of homeownership and the pain of those who see that dream slipping away.
On national security, he knows that without security there is no America. And he unquestionably has the knowledge and experience needed to do just that.
John McCain also knows that this election cannot and must not be about class warfare.
History has shown that those who pit class against class only harm the country they pretend to protect.
Perhaps, when all is said and done, a vote for John McCain -- the candidate, the veteran, the husband, the father -- is about hope.
Over the life span of the United States of America there have only been a handful of presidents who have adequately carried the banner of hope and change.
Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan all painted a vision of the future, of success, of making America a better place.
John McCain has that vision, that potential, that personal story, that inner toughness.
America deserves to be great again -- economically and morally.
On Nov. 4, America must come together, as it has done countless times when faced with adversity.
A country divided cannot stand and thrive in the face of today's challenges -- at home or abroad.
As AARP has so aptly stated: United we stand, divided we fail.
On Nov. 4, Democrats, Republicans and Independents can stand united by voting for John McCain, the only candidate with a track record of accomplishment and a true promise of hope for all Americans.
Read The Editorial
John McCain, McCain Campaign Press Release - "In Case You Missed It": Foster's Daily Democrat Endorses John McCain Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/291794