McCain Campaign Press Release - John McCain 2008 Launches New Spanish Radio Ad: "Are You Ready for Obama?"
ARLINGTON, VA -- U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign today released its latest Spanish radio ad, entitled "Are You Ready For Obama?" The ad highlights Barack Obama's record of voting to raise taxes on middle class families and his proposals for painful tax increases that will only further hurt those already struggling with higher gas prices, higher food prices and the threat of home foreclosure. The last thing we need to do is raise taxes that force families to make even tougher choices with less money in their pockets. The ad will air in key states.
LISTEN TO THE AD HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hS7VC_pIRWo
English Script For "Are You Ready For Obama?" (Radio:60)
ANNCR: With the economy as bad as it is, gas prices going up, home foreclosures, and jobs being lost, we need to be careful about who we pick as our next President.
No doubt, Barack Obama is a popular figure, a celebrity who says the right thing. But will he do the right thing?
So here's the question you need to ask yourself, in these tough economic times, are you ready for a president who voted for higher income taxes on working families making $42,000 a year?
Are you ready for Barak Obama, for his tax plans that will hurt senior citizens.
Are you ready for the higher taxes on income, savings and the sale of your home that Barak Obama promises?
It's not that you're not ready. Barak Obama is not ready yet. Because when it comes to the economy, experience matters, and he just doesn't have it.
He says he'll give you change, but that's what he'll leave you with.
JOHN MCCAIN: I'm John McCain and I approve this message.
ANNCR: Paid for by John McCain 2008.
Spanish Script For "Estas Listo Para Obama?: " (Radio:60)
ANNCR: Con la economia en tan mal estado, los precios de la gasolina subiendo, la crisis hipotecaria y tantos trabajos perdidos, debemos tener cuidado a quien elegimos como nuestro proximo presidente.
No hay duda que Barack Obama es alguien popular, una celebridad que dice lo indicado. Pero hara lo correcto?
Por eso, esta es la pregunta que debes hacerte, en estos tiempos econmicos tan difciles, estas listo para un presidente que voto para aumentarle los impuestos a las familias que ganan 42,000 dolares al ano? Estas listo para Barack Obama?
Para sus propuestas de impuestos que perjudicarian a las personas mayores? Estas listo para pagar mas impuestos sobres tus ingresos, ahorros y por la venta de tu casa?
No es que tu no estes listo. Barack Obama aun no esta listo. Porque cuando se trata de la economia, la experiencia cuenta, y simplemente el no la tiene.
Te ofrece cambio, pero parece ser que sera solo un poco de cambio en tu bolsillo.
JOHN MCCAIN: I'm John McCain and I approve this message.
ANNCR: Paid for by John McCain 2008
AD FACTS For "Are You Ready For Obama?" (Radio:60)
ANNCR: With the economy as bad as it is, gas prices going up, home foreclosures, and jobs being lost, we need to be careful about who we pick as our next President. No doubt, Barack Obama is a popular figure, a celebrity who says the right thing. But will he do the right thing? So here's the question you need to ask yourself, in these tough economic times, are you ready for a president who voted for higher income taxes on working families making $42,000 a year?
- Barack Obama Voted Twice In Favor Of The Democrats' FY 2009 Budget Resolution. (S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #85: Adopted 51-44: R 2-43; D 47-1; I 2-0, 3/14/08, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #142: Adopted 48- 45: R 2- 44; D 44- 1; I 2-0, 6/4/08, Obama Voted Yea)
- FactCheck.org: The Budget Resolution Would Have Allowed Most Of The Provisions Of The 2001 And 2003 Tax Cuts To Expire, Effectively Raising Taxes On Those Making $41,500 In Total Income. "What Obama voted for was a budget resolution that would have allowed most of the provisions of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts to expire. In particular, the resolution would allow the 25 percent tax bracket to return to its pre-2001 level of 28 percent. That bracket kicks in at $32,550 for an individual or $65,100 for a married couple. But as those of you who have filled out a 1040 know, that's not actually how income taxes work. We don't pay taxes on our total earnings; we pay them based on our 'taxable income.' The Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center's Eric Toder told FactCheck.org that 'people with taxable income of $32,000 would have a total income greater than that.' In 2008, anyone filing taxes with single status would be entitled to a standard deduction of $5,450, as well as a personal exemption of $3,500. So to have a taxable income high enough to reach the 25 percent bracket, an individual would need to earn at least $41,500 in total income, while a married couple would need a combined income of at least $83,000." ("The $32,000 Question," FactCheck.org, http://www.factcheck.org , 7/8/08)
- FactCheck.org: "Obama's Votes Indicate A Willingness To Raise Taxes." "Certainly Obama's votes indicate a willingness to raise taxes, and Obama has not been shy about saying explicitly that he will raise some taxes." ("The $32,000 Question," FactCheck.org, http://www.factcheck.org , 7/8/08)
- Obama Campaign: Barack Obama Voted For A Budget Resolution That Wouldn't Have Increased Taxes For Any Taxpayers Making Less Than $41,500. ROSEN: "Campaign aides to Senator Obama today, called the charge that he voted for tax hikes on people making only $32,000 a year, quote, 'bogus.' They circulated an analysis stating that the resolution that Obama had voted for would not have increase taxes on single taxpayer making less than $41,500 a year in total income." (Fox News' "America's Election Headquarters," 7/30/08)
- The New York Times: Barack Obama's "Vote Was On A Budget Resolution To Raise Taxes On People Making $41,500 A Year." "FactCheck.org, a nonpartisan Web site, said the vote was on a budget resolution to raise taxes on people making $41,500 a year; the $32,000 figure, it said, was the amount of taxable income those people had." (Michael Cooper, "McCain Goes Negative, Worrying Some In GOP," The New York Times, 7/30/08)
- The Associated Press: Budget Resolution "Would Have Allowed Tax Rates To Return To Pre-2001 Levels, Meaning That An Individual With Taxable Income Of About $32,000 Would Have Faced A Tax Increase." "At issue is Obama's vote on a non-binding budget resolution in March that called for President Bush's tax cuts to expire. Such a step would have allowed tax rates to return to pre-2001 levels, meaning that an individual with taxable income of about $32,000 would have faced a tax increase. Taxable income is what's left after taxpayers account for deductions." (Liz Sidoti, "Obama Dismisses Conservative Criticism," The Associated Press, 7/12/08)
- In June 2008, Obama Said "The Senate Voted To Stand Up For Working Families In Illinois And Throughout The Nation" By Passing The Democrats' Final Budget Resolution. Obama: "Today the Senate voted to stand up for working families in Illinois and throughout the nation by rejecting the failed policies of the Bush Administration and moving our country back on track to fiscal discipline. ... Our country needs change, and this budget is an important step in the right direction. I commend House and Senate leaders for working together to move this legislation through Congress." (Sen. Barack Obama, "Statement Of Senator Barack Obama On The Senate 's Passage Of The FY 2009 Budget Resolution," Press Release, obama.senate.gov , 6/4/08)
- In March 2008, Obama Hailed His Vote For The Budget As Making "Significant Progress In Getting Our Nation's Priorities Back On Track." Obama: "The budget passed by the Senate tonight makes significant progress in getting our nation's priorities back on track. ... We need change in this country, and this budget is an important step in helping bring it about." (Sen. Barack Obama, "Obama Statement On The Senate's Passage Of The FY 2009 Budget," Press Release, obama.senate.gov , 3/14/08)
ANNCR: Are you ready for Barak Obama, for his tax plans that will hurt senior citizens.
- Barack Obama Would Raise Capital Gains And Dividend Taxes. "Sen. Obamawants to raise the long-term capital-gains rate for families making more than $250,000 to around 20 percent or somewhat higher but not above the 28 percent level it reached during the Reagan presidency, an Obama economic adviser says. The same rate would apply to most dividend income for these investors." (Tom Herman, "Tax Report Your Tax Bill: How McCain, ObamaDiffer," The Associated Press, 6/18/08)
- Tax Policy Center: Barack Obama Would Raise Taxes On One Out Of Every Three Senior Households. "Even though Senator Obama's plan eliminates individual income taxes for seniors with incomes less than $50,000, his plan would raise taxes for almost 10 million senior households, over a third of the total (not shown in table). On average, seniors would face a tax increase of about 2 percent of income." (Burman et al., "A Preliminary Analysis of the 2008 Presidential Candidates' Tax Plans," The Tax Policy Center, 6/11/08)
- Tax Foundation: Seniors "Rely Most On The Stable Flow Of Income That Dividends Provide." "Most debate over whether to extend the reduced rates on dividends and capital gains has focused on the tax benefits of these cuts to high-income taxpayers. What has been largely ignored is the impact these tax policies have on corporations' decisions on how best to distribute their income to shareholdersincluding senior citizens, who rely most on the stable flow of income that dividends provide. A recent Tax Foundation analysis illustrated that a large number of those benefiting from dividends are seniors and those on the verge of retirement (See www.taxfoundation.org ). A further analysis of these seniors earning dividends reveals that lower-income seniors who file tax returns depend more heavily on dividend i ncome than high-income seniors." (Gerald Prante, "The Importance Of Dividend Income For Low-Income Seniors," Tax Foundation, http://www.taxfoundation.org/news/show/1354.html, 2/8/06)
ANNCR: Are you ready for the higher taxes on income, savings and the sale of your home that Barak Obama promises? It's not that you're not ready. Barak Obama is not ready yet. Because when it comes to the economy, experience matters, and he just doesn't have it. He says he'll give you change, but that's what he'll leave you with. JOHN MCCAIN: I'm John McCain and I approve this message. ANNCR: Paid for by John McCain 2008.
- Barack Obama Has Called For Higher Income Taxes, Social Security Taxes, Capital Gains And Dividend Taxes, And Corporate Taxes, As Well As "Massive New Domestic Spending." "Obama's transformation, if you go by his campaign so far, would mean higher income taxes, higher Social Security taxes, higher investment taxes, higher corporate taxes, massive new domestic spending, and a healthcare plan that perhaps could be the next step to a full-scale, single-payer system. Is that what most Americans want, someone who will fulfill a Democratic policy wish list?" (James Pethokoukis, "Barack Hussein Reagan? Ronald Wilson Obama?" U.S. News & World Report's "Capital Commerce" Blog, www.usnews.com , 2/12/08)
- Barack Obama Would Raise Social Security (Payroll) Taxes On Families. "Obama's proposal ... would impose social security taxes on income above $250,000 per year. He would continue to exempt income between $102,000 and $250,000 from social security taxes." (Teddy Davis, Sunlen Miller, and Gregory Wallace, "Obama Kisses Billions Goodbye," ABC News' "Political Radar" Blog, blogs.abcnews.com , 6/18/08)
- Barack Obama Would Raise Income Taxes. Obama: "[I] would roll back the Bush tax cuts for those making over $250,000." (Sen. Barack Obama, CNN Democrat Presidential Candidate Debate, Manchester, NH, 6/3/07)
- Barack Obama Would Raise Capital Gains And Dividend Taxes. "Sen. Obamawants to raise the long-term capital-gains rate for families making more than $250,000 to around 20 percent or somewhat higher but not above the 28 percent level it reached during the Reagan presidency, an Obama economic adviser says. The same rate would apply to most dividend income for these investors." (Tom Herman, "Tax Report Your Tax Bill: How McCain, ObamaDiffer," The Associated Press, 6/18/08)
John McCain, McCain Campaign Press Release - John McCain 2008 Launches New Spanish Radio Ad: "Are You Ready for Obama?" Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/291918