ARLINGTON, VA -- U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign today released its latest web ad, entitled "Praising McCain." The ad highlights major Obama supporters praising John McCain's record of working across the aisle to get results for the American people. If we are to move America forward, we need a President who will put partisanship aside to do what's right for the American people.
Script For "Praising McCain" (WEB 1:00)
CHYRON: John McCain is a Maverick. Just ask Democrats.
SEN. DASCHLE: He can work with Democrats on key issues whether it's campaign finance reform or tobacco policy. He's worked with us.
SEN. BIDEN: John McCain is a personal friend, a great friend and I would be honored to run with or against John McCain.
SEN. KERRY: I have enormous respect for him. He's a courageous, patriotic American who stands up for what he believes.
HOWARD DEAN: I admire Senator McCain greatly, he's one of the people we modeled our campaign over because he is very direct, very blunt, and nobody has to guess at what he's thinking.
SEN. FEINGOLD: I love John McCain, he's a great guy.
CHYRON: Even Barack Obama has praise for the maverick.
SEN. OBAMA: Since coming to Washington, I've believed that the right approach begins with the proposal put forward by Senator Lieberman and Senator McCain.
CHYRON: Let's let Hillary Clinton have the final say.
SEN. CLINTON: I know Senator McCain has a lifetime of experience he will bring to the White House. And Senator Obama has a speech he gave in 2002.
CHYRON: John McCain - Country First
AD FACTS: Script For "Praising McCain" (WEB 1:00)
CHYRON: John McCain is a Maverick. Just ask Democrats. SEN. DASCHLE: He can work with Democrats on key issues whether it's campaign finance reform or tobacco policy. He's worked with us.
- Senator Tom Daschle (D-SD): "Well, John McCain has always been influential in the Senate, in part because of the positions he holds. I don't think influence is determined necessarily just by position; he's obviously influential out of recognition of his chairmanship of the Commerce Committee. But he's also influential because he can work with Democrats on key issues, whether it's campaign finance reform or tobacco policy. He's worked with us, and that has made him, I think, a source of great influence in the Senate." (Sen. Tom Daschle, Press Conference, 3/10/00)
SEN. BIDEN: John McCain is a personal friend, a great friend and I would be honored to run with or against John McCain.
- Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) Said He'd Be Honored To Run With McCain. Comedy Central's Jon Stewart: "You may end up going against a Senate colleague, perhaps McCain, perhaps Frist?" Sen. Biden: "John McCain is a personal friend, a great friend, and I would be honored to run with or against John McCain, because I think the country would be better off -- be well off no matter who..." Stewart: "Did I hear, Did I hear with?" Sen. Biden: "You know, John McCain and I think" Stewart: "Don't become cottage cheese my friend. Say it." Sen. Biden: "The answer is yes." (Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" 8/2/05)
SEN. KERRY: I have enormous respect for him. He's a courageous, patriotic American who stands up for what he believes.
- Senator John Kerry (D-MA): "What I do know is that John McCain is a close and dear friend of mine. I have enormous respect for him. He's a courageous, patriotic American who stands up for what he believes and I'm proud to call him my friend." (CNBC's "The News," 4/7/04)
HOWARD DEAN: I admire Senator McCain greatly, he's one of the people we modeled our campaign over because he is very direct, very blunt, and nobody has to guess at what he's thinking.
- Howard Dean: "Well, first of all, let me say that I admire Senator McCain greatly, he's one of the people we modeled our campaign over because he is very direct, very blunt and nobody has to guess at what he's thinking, which I think is--people--people would like to see a lot more of that in politicians around this country." (CBS's, "Face The Nation," 1/5/03)
SEN. FEINGOLD: I love John McCain, he's a great guy.
- Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI): "You know, I love John McCain. He's a great guy. The fact is we do disagree on Iraq, but I think that on the overall fight against terrorism and that that's the number one priority there's a lot of agreement. John and I have been to Baghdad together twice and talked about this at length so obviously I'm gonna be supporting a Democrat for president of the United States, but I have a very high regard for John McCain, and this is just an area of disagreement. We agree tremendously on reform and worked together well and I'm proud to serve with him in the Senate." (ABC's, "This Week," 8/13/06)
CHYRON: Even Barack Obama has praise for the maverick. SEN. OBAMA: Since coming to Washington, I've believed that the right approach begins with the proposal put forward by Senator Lieberman and Senator McCain.
- Senator Barack Obama (D-IL): "Since coming to Washington, I've believed that the right approach begins with the proposal put forward by Senator Lieberman and Senator McCain, a proposal they've been pushing for years, and I thank them again for their leadership on this issue. The Lieberman-McCain Bill establishes limits for greenhouse gas emissions well into the 21st century. To remain below these limits, the bill encourages the market to determine how best to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, rewarding cost effective approaches using a system of tradable allowances." (Sen. Barack Obama, Hearing, Committee On Environment and Public Works, U.S. Senate, 1/30/07)
CHYRON: Let's let Hillary Clinton have the final say. SEN. CLINTON: I know Senator McCain has a lifetime of experience he will bring to the White House. And Senator Obama has a speech he gave in 2002.
- Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY): "I think that I have a lifetime of experience that I will bring to the White House. I know Senator McCain has a lifetime of experience that he will bring to the White House. And Senator Obama has a speech he gave in 2002." (CNN's "The Situation Room," 3/3/08)
CHYRON: John McCain - Country First
John McCain, McCain Campaign Press Release - John McCain 2008 Launches New Web Ad: "Praising McCain" Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project