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McCain Campaign Press Release - McCain 2008 Announces Maryland Statewide Leadership Team

August 05, 2008

ARLINGTON, VA -- U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign today announced the Maryland Statewide Leadership Team. This team of Maryland leaders will help organize the campaign's grassroots efforts across the state and will communicate John McCain's message of greater national security, a stronger economy and meaningful government reform.

Each of Maryland's 24 counties and five regions will have designated chairmen at the local and regional level to serve as the points of contact for local volunteers and supporters in each county and region.

John McCain's Statewide Honorary Chair, former Maryland Governor, Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. said, "John McCain is a leader who the people of Maryland can believe in. He understands the issues important to Maryland voters. John McCain believes that lowering taxes is the best way to create jobs here in Maryland, while Barack Obama believes tax hikes are the solution to our economic problems. Barack Obama also opposes nuclear power and additional drilling, while John McCain believes those opportunities have to be a part of a comprehensive energy solution."

"We need John McCain as our next commander in chief to win the war on terror. He has the experience, judgment and character to lead this nation forward. John McCain has put his country first above his own interests his whole life. We are proud to support John McCain and will work hard to help him to victory in November," Ehrlich concluded.


Honorary Chair
Former Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr.

Chris Cavey, First Vice Chair, Maryland Republican Party

U.S. Representative Roscoe Bartlett

Dr. Jim Pelura, Chairman, Maryland Republican Party

Everett Alvarez, former Vietnam POW

Michael Cronin, former Vietnam POW

Vice Chairs
Corey Stottlemyer, Former Maryland GOP Political Director

Louis Pope, National Committeeman

Joyce Lyons-Theres, National Committeewoman

Jim Shalleck, Montgomery County Central Committee

Statewide Leadership Directors
Philip Baker-Shenk

Jamie Falcon

Mark Supple

Dan Zubairi

Regional Chairs
Mike Geppi, Baltimore Metro Region

Dan Willard, DC Metro Region

Andrew Langer, Eastern Region

Kevin Igoe, Southern Region

Carmen Amedori, Western Region

Legislative Chair
House Minority Leader Tony O'Donnell

County Chairs
Mark Alexander, Allegany County

Kate Boland, Talbot County

Brandon Butler, Garrett County

Daniel Cox, Dorchester County

Chuck Gast, Anne Arundel County

Joe Getty, Carroll County

Tom Haynie, Saint Ma ry's County

Liz Jones, Washington County

Charles Lollar, Charles County

Bonnie Luna, Wicomico County

Ewing McDowell, Cecil County

Heather Olson, Prince George's County

Mike Pappas, Baltimore County

Bob Pratz, Howard County

Marty Pusey, Worcester County

Kelly Schulz, Frederick County

Greg Seltzer, Harford County

Duane Shelton, Baltimore City

Joanne Smith, Caroline County

Mark Uncapher, Montgomery County

Mike Ward, Somerset County

Diane Waterman, Queen Anne's County

T om Yeager, Kent County

Crystal Zorbaugh, Calvert County

John McCain, McCain Campaign Press Release - McCain 2008 Announces Maryland Statewide Leadership Team Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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