McCain Campaign Press Release - McCain: John McCain 2008 Launches New TV Ad: "Passed Over"
ARLINGTON, VA -- Today at 3:00 a.m., U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign released its latest television ad, entitled "Passed Over." The ad highlights Hillary Clinton's serious questions about Barack Obama's plans for America, judgment in key situations and negative campaigning in the Democratic primary. The ad will air in key states.
VIEW THE AD HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NrQ36Djf2E
Script For "Passed Over" (TV :30)
ANNCR: She won millions of votes.
But isn't on his ticket.
For speaking the truth.
On his plans:
HILLARY CLINTON: "You never hear the specifics."
ANNCR: On the Rezko scandal:
HILLARY CLINTON: "We still don't have a lot of answers about Senator Obama."
ANNCR: On his attacks:
HILLARY CLINTON: "Senator Obama's campaign has become increasingly negative."
ANNCR: The truth hurt.
And Obama didn't like it.
JOHN MCCAIN: I'm John McCain and I approved this message.
AD FACTS: Script For "Passed Over" (TV :30)
ANNCR: On his plans: HILLARY CLINTON: "You never hear the specifics."
Hillary Clinton On Obama's Plans: "You Never Hear The Specifics." "You know, when President Bush, coming off his '04 win, came in and said, We're going to privatize Social Security, I'm really proud that I was one of the leaders who said, No, we're not going to let that happen. You may have this new capital because you're now the re- elected president, but this is a fight worth having. We're not going to let this occur. So when I hear Senator Obama talk about that, I wonder which fights he wouldn't fight. Would he have not fought to get to a balanced budget and a surplus and help create 22 million new jobs? Would he have not fought to get assault weapons off the street and get them out of the hands of, you know, criminals and gang members? You never hear the specifics. It's all this kind of abstract, general talk about how we all need to get along. I want to get along, and I have gotten along in the Senate. I will work with Republicans to find common cause whenever I can, but I will also stand my ground, because there are fights worth having. Universal health care is a fight worth having. Senator Obama has decided it isn't. He won't present a plan for universal health care. That's a big difference between he and I, and it's a big difference between me and the Republican Party." (Hillary Clinton, WJLA Channel 7 Washington and Politico.com Interview, www.politico.com , 2/12/08)
ANNCR: On the Rezko scandal: HILLARY CLINTON: "We still don't have a lot of answers about Senator Obama."
Hillary Clinton On Obama's Shady Dealings With Tony Rezko: "We Still Don't Have A Lot Of Answers About Senator Obama And His Dealings With Mr. Rezko." "And, in fact, you know, our financial situation has probably has been more investigated than anybody who's ever been in public life in America. We still don't have a lot of answers about Senator Obama and his dealings with Mr. Rezko. So I don't mind answering questions, but I find it only fair that we have questions going to the other side as well, and I don't see that happening. You know, we have been on the front line of full disclosure. I've been examined one side up and the other side down. I'm more than happy to have that. But I think it's fair that we have the same standards apply to my opponent." (Hillary Clinton, WJLA Channel 7 Washington and Politico.com Interview, www.politico.com , 2/12/08)
ANNCR: On his attacks: HILLARY CLINTON: "Senator Obama's campaign has become increasingly negative."
Hillary Clinton On Obama's Negative Campaign: "There Has Been A Relentless Series Of Attacks Coming From The Other Side. Senator Obama's Campaign Has Become Increasingly Negative." "There has been a relentless series of attacks coming from the other side. I've spent the vast majority of this campaign giving very specific speeches about the solutions that I offer on all of the important issues facing our country. And, in fact, the press that covers me on a regular basis, I think, is kind of bored, because I just talk about solutions and what we're going to do to get more jobs and get health care for everyone and make sure we have a clean, renewable energy future and all of the other concerns that voters talk to me about. But in the last, you know, couple of weeks, Senator Obama's campaign has become increasingly negative. He says one thing on the stump and his campaign does something else." (Hillary Clinton, CNN's "Larry King Live," 4/21/08)
John McCain, McCain Campaign Press Release - McCain: John McCain 2008 Launches New TV Ad: "Passed Over" Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/294561