McCain Campaign Press Release - McCain-Palin 2008 Launches New Spanish Television Ad: "Riesgo"
ARLINGTON, VA -- Today, McCain-Palin 2008 released its latest television ad, entitled "Riesgo." The ad highlights Barack Obama's plans to increase taxes and place a costly health care mandate on Hispanic small businesses that will only kill jobs. The ad will air in Colorado, Florida, Nevada and New Mexico. In conjunction with the television ad, the McCain-Palin 2008 campaign will also air a radio ad.
VIEW THE AD HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrY4HoNdrcc
Script For "Riesgo" (TV :30)
ANNCR: Experts predict that Obama and Congressional liberals' new taxes and health care mandate will kill jobs.
If you own a small business or work for one, you know that more taxes means less jobs, less money in our pockets, and less opportunities.
Who's going to hire with so many taxes!
Obama and Congressional liberals. Too risky for jobs and small business.
John McCain: I'm John McCain and I approve this message.
Spanish Script For "Riesgo" (TV :30)
ANNCR: Los expertos predicen que los nuevos impuestos y mandato para un seguro de salud obligatorio de Obama y sus aliados liberales del Congreso eliminaran empleos.
Si tienes un negocio pequeno o trabajas para uno, sabes, que mas impuestos significa menos empleos, menos dinero en nuestros bolsillos y menos oportunidades.
Y quien va a contratar con tantos impuestos!
Obama y los liberales del Congreso. Un riesgo para los empleos y los negocios pequenos.
John McCain: I'm John McCain and I approve this message
AD FACTS: Script For "Riesgo" (TV :30)
ANNCR: Experts predict that Obama and Congressional liberals' new taxes and health care mandate will kill jobs. If you own a small business or work for one, you know that more taxes means less jobs, less money in our pockets, and less opportunities. Who's going to hire with so many taxes! Obama and Congressional liberals. Too risky for jobs and small business. John McCain: I'm John McCain and I approve this message.
Barack Obama Would Raise Income Taxes. Obama: "[I] would roll back the Bush tax cuts for those making over $250,000." (Sen. Barack Obama, CNN Democrat Presidential Candidate Debate, Manchester, NH, 6/3/07)
The Wall Street Journal Said Barack Obama's Plan To Raise The Top Income Tax Rates Would "Stunt Small Business." "The clear implication is that raising the U.S. personal income tax rates would also stunt small business entrepreneurship. Yet this is precisely what all of the Democratic Presidential candidates, and even Mr. Rangel, propose." (Editorial, "Corporate Tax War," The Wall Street Journal, 12/4/07)
U.S. Department Of Treasury: Small Business Owners "Are Frequently Subject To The Highest Individual Income Tax Rates." "Changes in the individual income tax affect most businesses in the United States. That is because taxes on business earnings are often paid through the individual income tax when 'passed-through' to business owners. The business income from sole proprietorships, farm proprietorships, partnerships, S corporations, etc., is all taxed at the owners' individual income tax rates. This year 34 million business owners are expected to receive this type of income and pay tax on this income through the individual income tax. These businesses are typically small and often entrepreneurial in nature, and a source of innovation and risk-taking in the economy. Moreover, these business owners are frequently subject to the highest individual income tax rates." ("Topics Related To The President's Tax Relief," U.S. Departm ent Of Treasury, http://www.ustreas.gov/press/releases/reports/president_taxrelief_topics..., May 2008)
Barack Obama Would Raise Payroll Taxes. "Sen. Obama does not support uncapping the full payroll tax of 12.4% rate. Instead, he is considering plans that would ask those making over $250,000 to pay in the range of 2% to 4% more in total (combined employer and employee). This change to Social Security would start a decade or more from now and is similar to the rate increases floated by Sen. McCain's close adviser Lindsey Graham, and that Sen. McCain has previously said he 'could' support." (Jason Furman and Austan Goolsbee, Op-Ed, "The Obama Tax Plan," The Wall Street Journal, 8/14/08)
Barack Obama Would Raise Capital Gains And Dividend Taxes. "Sen. Obamawants to raise the long-term capital-gains rate for families making more than $250,000 to around 20 percent or somewhat higher but not above the 28 percent level it reached during the Reagan presidency, an Obama economic adviser says. The same rate would apply to most dividend income for these investors." (Tom Herman, "Tax Report Your Tax Bill: How McCain, ObamaDiffer," The Associated Press, 6/18/08)
Barack Obama's Plan Includes Required Employer Coverage Similar To The Failed Clinton Mandate Of 1993. "Obama would require almost all employers to offer insurance to workers or face a tax penalty, an idea that many businesses abhor and that is also in Edwards's proposal. This employer mandate drove much of the opposition to the Clinton plan in 1994." (Anne E. Kornblut and Perry Bacon Jr., "Obama Says Washington Is Ready For Health Plan," The Washington Post, 5/30/07)
Barack Obama's Employer Mandate Will Cost $179 Billion A Year. "In the group market the introduction of play or pay will introduce new employer and consumer costs. In our analysis, we model the financial consequences of play or pay as falling primarily on the consumer. We estimate that the cost of implementing play or pay alone will be $179 billion." (Roger Feldman et al. "Impact of Barack Obama 2008 Health Reform Proposal," HSI Network, LLC., 8/21/08)
The Cost Of Government-Mandated Health Insurance Likely Would Be "Passed On To The Employee In The Form Of A Wage Cut." "But more likely, the cost of the government-mandated insurance would be passed on to the employee in the form of a wage cut, said Mark Pauly, a professor of health care systems at Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania." (Sara Lubbes, "Perils And Pluses Of 'Play Or Pay' Insurance Mandates," CQ HealthBeat News, 9/18/07)
The Obama Campaign Said That It Will Not Detail How Much The Fine Will Be For Small Businesses Under His Health Care Plan. "As the presidential candidates push their competing health-care plans, Sen. John McCain regularly presses Sen. Barack Obama to tell voters how big a fine he would impose on companies that don't offer their workers health insurance. ... Obama officials say the campaign has no plans to answer that question before Election Day on Nov. 4. Neera Tanden, a top Obama policy adviser, said the fine is intended to discourage employers from dropping coverage, not to raise significant revenue." (Laura Meckler, "McCain Presses Obama On Health-Plan Penalties," The Wall Street Journal, 10/16/08)
John McCain, McCain Campaign Press Release - McCain-Palin 2008 Launches New Spanish Television Ad: "Riesgo" Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/291969