McCain Campaign Press Release - Statement By Senator George Voinovich On John McCain's Visit To DHL
ARLINGTON, VA -- U.S. Senator George V. Voinovich (R-OH) today released the following statement regarding Senator John McCain's visit to DHL in Wilmington, Ohio:
"I am pleased that my good friend John McCain is coming to Southwest Ohio to discuss the possible DHL hub closure in Wilmington. His concern for the region and the dramatic impact the proposed closure will have demonstrates what we in Ohio have known: that closure of this facility would be devastating to Wilmington and the entire region.
"The attention the DHL proposal has drawn by both Presidential campaigns serves to confirm the urgency of this situation this is one of the worst job catastrophes that any community in this nation is facing. This is not just a local issue, but has an international dimension because many of us believe that in order for us to have a positive impact we are going to need some involvement by the German government. I commend the Mayor of Wilmington, the Clinton County Commissioners, Governor Strickland and other state and regional leaders who have been working to save these 8,000 pl us jobs since the announcement in May.
"John McCain recognizes that providing assistance to the workers and families in the region must have a dual-track approach. He supports the efforts by the Mayor, County Commissioners, Governor and the entire Ohio delegation to keep these jobs in the region. At the same time, he has also supported state and federal efforts to ensure that worker and community assistance efforts are mustered in preparation for the potential loss of thousands of jobs in the Wilmington area.
"I will continue to work with the entire Ohio Congressional Delegation to support all efforts to assist the workers in the Wilmington area and save this facility."
John McCain, McCain Campaign Press Release - Statement By Senator George Voinovich On John McCain's Visit To DHL Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project