McCain Campaign Press Release - What They're Saying About Governor Palin's Address To The Republican National Convention
Governor Palin Was "Simply Brilliant"
ABC's George Stephanopoulos: "She Gets An 'A.'" ABC's CYNTHIA MCFADDEN: "Joining me now is ABC's chief Washington correspondent George Stephanopoulos for the Nightlinereport card. So George, what about it, did she win them over?" STEPHANOPOULOS: "She definitely gets an 'A' for this, especially when you look at that crowd tonight. They loved every minute of her speech, but also I think to the television audience, she was appealing, she was funny, she was warm at times, very, very tough at times as well. And she really did have an ability to bring these things down to earth, bring these issues down to earth, like when she talked about saving money in the state of Alaska." (ABC's "Nightline," 9/3/08)
NBC's Tom Brokaw: "She Could Not Have Been More Winning Or Engaging." "Tonight makes a very auspicious debut as the vice presidential candidate before this hall and a national television audience. She could not have been more winning or engaging." (NBC's "Republican National Convention Coverage," 9/3/08)
CNN's Anderson Cooper: Governor Palin "Is A Force To Be Reckoned With." "I mean as you said a star was born certainly for the Republican Party. Whether you agree with her or disagree with her, no one has any doubt, I think listening to that speech, that she is a force to be reckoned with." (CNN's, "CNN Election Center," 9/4/08)
CNN's Candy Crowley: "She Was, I Thought, Terrific." (CNN's "Republican National Convention," 9/3/08)
CNN's Wolf Blitzer: "And She Not Only Hit A Home Run, It Might Have Been Even A Grand Slam." (CNN's "CNN Election Center," 9/4/08)
CNN's Jeffrey Toobin: "This Speech Was A Heck Of A Lot Better Than Joe Biden's Speech." "Well, let's just start with an obvious point that I don't think anyone has made yet. This speech was a heck of a lot better than Joe Biden's speech." (CNN's, "CNN Election Center," 9/4/08)
ABC's Robin Roberts: "Oh, What A Night!" "Oh, what a night! Can we say this place went nuts, erupted when John McCain's running-mate took the stage, a lengthy standing ovation for Sarah Palin, the self-professed average hockey mom. Such support she received from her family and the delegates here, even the Michigan delegates were dressed in matching hockey shirts and she did stir things up here last night." (ABC's "Good Morning America," 9/4/08)
Former Clinton Adviser Howard Wolfson: "Quite Impressive." "And look, she did a very, very good job. I agree Democrats have reason to be concerned. Nobody should underestimate this woman's political ability. To go on stage in a hall like this, to give a speech like this for the first time ever, quite impressive." (Fox News' "American Election Headquarters," 9/3/08)
The Financial Times' Chrystia Freeland: Governor Palin Was "Absolutely Dazzling." "Absolutely, she did not sound like she was from one of the coasts. She sounded like she was a really normal, down-to-earth person, and at the same time, clearly she is an extraordinary person, because she was absolutely dazzling." (MSNBC's "Morning Joe," 9/4/08)
The Washington Post's Dan Balz: Governor Palin "Ready For A Fight." "On Wednesday night, she took the opportunity to answer back, and she put her critics -- Democrats, the media and the Washington political establishment -- on notice that she is ready for a fight." (Dan Balz, "Striking Back At Critics, One By One," The Washington Post, 9/4/08)
The Weekly Standard's Fred Barnes: "She's A Natural." "She's a natural, gifted with the ability to connect with people in a way that few politicians can and to perform under extreme pressure. She has star quality." (Fred Barnes, "The Natural," The Weekly Standard, 9/4/08)
Barnes: Governor Palin "Made It Look Like She'd Been Performing On The National Political Stage For Years." "Sarah Palin delivered what may have been the most important speech ever by a vice presidential candidate and made it look like she'd been performing on the national political stage for years." (Fred Barnes, "The Natural," The Weekly Standard, 9/4/08)
The Associated Press: Governor Palin "Reminiscent Of Ronald Reagan." "Sarah Palin delivered. But the former TV sportscaster spoke in calm, TV-friendly tones reminiscent of Ronald Reagan. Like the former GOP president, Palin warmed the crowd with quips and jokes." (Tom Raum and Liz Sidoti, "Palin Delivers Star-Turning Performance For GOP," The Associated Press, 9/4/08)
MSNBC's David Gregory: "I Think It Was A Very Strong Presentation." "I think this was a very strong presentation. I think it was well-received. I think what Sarah Palin achieved tonight, what Governor Palin achieved, is something that a lot of Republicans who are here and who are watching didn`t think was necessarily possible. And that is that there could be a very energized and enthusiastic base of the Republican Party." (MSNBC's "MSNBC Special," 9/3/08)
Roll Call's Mort Kondracke: "Simply Brilliant." "Simply brilliant ... It was incredibly sophisticated and effective. You know, it was derisive of Barack Obama in a sort of funny way but a very poignant way, about his lack of experience and about, you know, her experience as a mayor." (Fox News' "American Election Headquarters," 9/3/08)
The Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol: "A Star Was Born Last Night." "A star was born last night--but I won't belabor that fact, especially since it was the title of my New York Times column Monday." (Bill Kristol, "The Speech," The Weekly Standard, 9/4/08)
Fox News' Chris Wallace: "A New Star In The Political Galaxy." "I don't think it's overstating it to say being right here on the floor that a star was born tonight -- a new star in the political galaxy." (FOX News' "On The Record," 9/4/08)
The Washington Post's Jonathan Capehart: "Absolutely A Star Was Born In The Republican Party. There's No Question That She Delivered An Incredible Performance." (MSNBC's "Morning Joe," 9/4/08)
The Washington Post Editorial: "The Alaska Governor Proved Herself More Than Capable Of Making A Strong Case For Nominee John McCain." "Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin's acceptance speech at the convention last night was an impressive debut on the national stage -- well-delivered, with an appealing combination of charm and bite befitting her description of a hockey mom as a pit bull in lipstick. The Alaska governor proved herself more than capable of making a strong case for nominee John McCain and landing some pretty good zingers, aimed at both the Democratic nominee and the 'Washington elite.'" (Editorial, "Ms. Palin's Introduction," The Washington Post, 9/4/08)
Democrat Strategist Steve McMahon: Governor Palin "Confident, Articulate And Strong." "'She was confident, articulate and strong. And she seemed folksy and real. So she's passed the style test. The next test will be on substance,' said Democratic analyst Steve McMahon." (David Brown, Salena Zito and Mike Wereschagin, "'Small-Town' VP Nominee Palin Stands Tall," Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 9/4/08)
A Brilliant Speech That Electrified:
The New York Times:"Palin's Appearance Electrified A Convention." "Ms. Palin's appearance electrified a convention that has been consumed by questions of whether she was up to the job, as she launched slashing attacks on Mr. Obama's claims of experience." (Elisabeth Bumiller and Michael Cooper, "Palin Assails Critics And Electrifies Party," The New York Times, 9/4/08)
The Washington Post: Governor Palin "Electrified The Republican Convention." "Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin electrified the Republican convention Wednesday night, pitching herself as a champion of government reform, mocking Democratic candidate Barack Obama as an elitist and belittling media criticism of her experience." (Michael D. Shear, "Palin Comes Out Fighting," The Washington Post, 9/4/08)
The Associated Press: Governor Palin "Energized Delegates With A Rousing Speech." "The Republican presidential nomination his at last, John McCain makes his case for the presidency to the GOP convention and the nation after his surprise choice for vice president, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, energized delegates with a rousing speech." (Glen Johnson, "Palin Revs Up Republicans For McCain," The Associated Press, 9/4/08)
ABC's George Stephanopoulos: "There Were A Lot Beautiful And Effective Lines In This Speech." (ABC's "Republican National Convention Coverage," 9/3/08)
ABC's Diane Sawyer: "It Was Thunderous In This Room Last Night." "Right here at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul and it was thunderous in this room last night." (ABC's "Good Morning America," 9/4/08)
CBS' Maggie Rodriguez: "She Needed To Deliver Here Last Night, And Talk To Anybody, And They Say She Did Not Disappoint. They Just Ate It Up, Harry." (CBS' "The Early Show," 9/4/08)
CNN's Wolf Blitzer: Governor Palin "Delivered A Very, Very Passionate And Rousing Speech." "What a night it's been. History has been made. The Republicans going forward for the first time in their history with a woman who will be on the ticket. And we heard from the governor of Alaska. She delivered a very, very passionate and rousing speech." (CNN's "Larry King Live," 9/4/08)
FOX News' Juan Williams: Democrats Say Barack Obama "Is Terrific." "What I have been hearing from Democrats around the country as they've been watching is they say, 'She is terrific.'" (FOX News' "On The Record," 9/4/08)
MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski: "She Sounded Good, She Was Good And She Connects With Women." "But here's your problem: she looked good, she sounded good, she was good and she connects with women. I'm telling you right now, I watched it from my perspective as a working mother and I can tell you there are probably many out there facing many different types of challenges in their lives, economic, and that woman spoke to women across America in a way any other candidate, male -- sorry -- could not have. She brings a new dimension to this race, you have to admit it." (MSNBC's "Morning Joe," 9/4/08)
NBC's Meredith Vieira: Governor Palin "Energized The Crowd." "She brought them to their feet. In the biggest speech of her lifetime, and her first ever to a national audience, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin energized the crowd and she showed that she could throw some pretty good punches of her own." (NBC's "Today," 9/4/08)
Politico: Governor Palin "Wowed The Republican Convention." "In her first national address, vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin wowed the Republican convention using wit, sarcasm, charm and ridicule in a full scale assault on a now familiar cast of GOP targets -- an elitist adversary, a biased media and high taxes." (Jeanne Cummings and Beth Frerking, "Palin Wows GOP, Puts Dems On Notice," Politico, 9/4/08)
The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Governor Palin "Brought Thundering Ovations." "Unknown even to many Republicans a week ago, Palin wrapped a personal profile and philosophical pitch into a 40-minute talk that brought thundering ovations from delegates at the Republican National Convention." (David Brown, Salena Zito and Mike Wereschagin, "'Small-town' VP Nominee Palin Stands Tall," Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 9/4/08)
A Hockey Mom To Be Reckoned With:
Politico: "Palin Will Not Flinch From The Fight." "When the nearly 40-minute address came to a close, however, all doubts were doused and Democrats were on notice that Palin will not flinch from the fight." (Jeanne Cummings and Beth Frerking, "Palin Wows GOP, Puts Dems On Notice," Politico, 9/4/08)
CBS' Jeff Glor: "This Was A Hockey Mom Not Afraid To Throw Body Checks, As She Slammed Barack Obama's Early Work In Chicago As A Community Organizer." (CBS' "The Early Show," 9/4/08)
The Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol: "Palin Went Right For Obama's Fundamental Weakness." "The attack on Obama was very deft. Palin went right for Obama's fundamental weakness--that he's never done anything impressive. (And by giving such a good speech, she partly undermined his claim to be the only one who could speak impressively.)." (Bill Kristol, "The Speech," The Weekly Standard, 9/4/08)
John McCain, McCain Campaign Press Release - What They're Saying About Governor Palin's Address To The Republican National Convention Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/292127