McCain Campaign Press Release - What They're Saying About John McCain at the Hofstra Debate
"This Was His Best Debate So Far. He Was Able To Set The Agenda On A Lot Of Issues Like Taxes, Especially With Joe Wurzelbacher."
ABC News' George Stephanopoulos: "I think the fact that John McCain was able to make Joe Wurzelbacher a character in this campaign, I'll bet you we're going to see him in campaign ads starting tomorrow, shows that, why this was his best debate so far. He was able to set the agenda on a lot of issues like taxes, especially with Joe Wurzelbacher." (ABC News' "Vote 08: The Final Debate," 10/15/08)
"HUGE Moment For McCain. Slams Obama For Comparing Him To Bush. VERY Savvy. AND, He Looked Directly At Obama."
The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza: "HUGE moment for McCain. Slams Obama for comparing him to Bush. VERY savvy. AND, he looked directly at Obama." (Chris Cillizza, "The Fix Twitters The Final Debate!"www.washingtonpost.com, 10/15/08)
Cillizza: "McCain with a break from Bush Administration -- 'disappointed' with Paulson's approach on financial crisis." (Chris Cillizza, "The Fix Twitters The Final Debate!" www.washingtonpost.com, 10/15/08)
Cillizza: "McCain has done well for himself so far -- kept Obama on defense." (Chris Cillizza, "The Fix Twitters The Final Debate!" www.washingtonpost.com, 10/15/08)
The Politico's Jonathan Martin: "John McCain creates an instant headline with some of his firmest language yet to distance himself from President Bush. 'Sen. Obama, I am not President Bush,' McCain said, in a line clearly in his pocket. 'If you wanted to run against President Bush you should have run four years ago. I will take this country in a new direction.'" (Jonathan Martin, "Your Morning Lede (So Far)" www.politico.com, 10/15/08)
National Review's Jim Geraghty: "McCain's best line so far: 'Senator Obama, I am not President Bush. If you wanted to run against President Bush, you should have run four years ago.'" (Jim Geraghty, "If You Wanted To Run Against President Bush, You Should Have Run Four Years Ago," www.nationalreview.com, 10/15/08)
"I Think He Clearly Won It ... It Was His Best Performance"
MSNBC's Pat Buchanan: "I do believe that this was John McCain's best campaign. I think he clearly won it on points. It was his best performance. He was intense and ideological and he's appealing to the base, clearly."(MSNBC's "Post Debate Analysis," 10/15/08)
Buchanan: "Joe the plumber gives round one to McCain on points!" (Pat Buchanan, "Buchanan And Maddow: Live Debate Commentary," firstread.msnbc.com, 10/15/08)
Buchanan: "McCain much more aggressive and specific, and more compassionate on John Lewis, issues of ACORN and Ayer." (Pat Buchanan, "Buchanan And Maddow: Live Debate Commentary," firstread.msnbc.com, 10/15/08)
Los Angeles Times: "McCain again shows that he came into this debate more focused and more disciplined than in the past ones." (Don Frederick and Kate Linthicum, "Live Blogging The Final Barack Obama And John McCain Debate,"latimesblogs.latimes.com, 10/15/08)
The Atlantic's Marc Ambinder: "McCain's doing well on the issues..." (Marc Ambinder, "Live Blogging The Final Debate," The Atlantic's "Marc Ambinder" Blog, marcambinder.theatlantic.com, 10/15/08)
Commentary's John Podhoretz: "Good zinger from McCain; Obama mentions he wants Warren Buffett to pay more taxes and McCain says we're talking about Joe the Plumber, not Warren Buffett." (John Podhoretz, "Warren Buffett Vs. Joe The Plumber," Commentary's "Contentions" Blog, www.commentarymagazine.com, 10/15/08)
Commentary's Jennifer Rubin: "McCain says sure he's qualified but then points out his record of bad ideas. Digs at his 'cockamamie' idea about dividing Iraq. Maybe his best answer." (Jennifer Rubin, "Joe Biden," Commentary's "Contentions" Blog, www.commentarymagazine.com, 10/15/08)
National Review's Mark R. Levin: "I am impressed with McCain tonight. Obama is off his game, as they say." (Mark R. Levin, "A Different Debate," National Review's "The Corner" Blog, corner.nationalreview.com, 10/15/08)
Levin: "McCain came ready tonight, he has Obama resorting to his stump speech answers and a bit unnerved, IMHO. And for the most part, he is not letting Obama get away with his endless dissembling." (Mark R. Levin, "Ready. Set...," National Review's "The Corner" Blog, corner.nationalreview.com, 10/15/08)
John McCain, McCain Campaign Press Release - What They're Saying About John McCain at the Hofstra Debate Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/292134