Memorandum for Heads of Departments and Agencies:
For many years, the Federal Government has been fighting against discrimination in employment. On the basis of age, creed, ethnic origin, sex or skin color, discrimination is an intolerable wrong. As discrimination is an affront to our society, it cannot be countenanced in our government.
In my message to the Congress earlier this year transmitting this Administration's recommendations for action on behalf of older Americans, I stressed the importance of giving serious attention to the problems of our older citizens. One such problem is age discrimination. As the largest employer in the Nation, the Government has a special responsibility to take the lead in eradicating age discrimination from the world of employment.
It is appropriate, at this time, to reaffirm our commitment to the tong-standing policy of the Federal Government that age, by itself, shall be no bar to a Federal job which an individual is otherwise qualified to perform. In doing so, I want to emphasize that our older Americans possess talents, experience, and skills which the Government needs and which our older citizens deserve the chance to contribute.
I call upon each of you to review your agency's programs to make sure that the skills and experience of our older citizens are being effectively utilized. I also ask that you review your agency's employment practices and take immediate steps to eliminate any which may directly or indirectly stand as a barrier to equal opportunity for older persons. We must not tolerate any practice that denies older citizens fair and full consideration for employment and advancement in the Federal service.
Note: The memorandum was posted for the press.
Richard Nixon, Memorandum About Age Discrimination in Federal Employment. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project